Chapter 56: Out Of The Depths

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Bob and Ria stood there in silence for some time. Then, Bob suddenly broke the silence.

"Hang on!"


"When the spirit came and took us, we had those tools right?"


"Then, why didn't Jack just use those and get rid of the spirit instaed of weakening it by that water?"

"Jack also told us that we have to use those tools after the timings of that ritual have passed because if we use them before, there is a chance that they won't work"

"But still...he might have something to get rid of it...he just let it take us away so that he is left alone with Samira"

"Come on Bob! Stop thinking he meant to separate us just because he is getting close with Samira now"

"I just don't trust him"

"Because you think Samira likes him. Now, empty all your stupid thoughts and let's get out of this. As whenever your mind is idle, you start thinking about Jack and Samira and upset yourself which I don't like seeing"

Bob mentally smiled at the last part of the sentence 'upset yourself which I don't like seeing' and stood silent for a moment.

"You are I come to think of it, he is actually a nice guy and Samira will be more happy with him if she wants to be with him. I will be happy for them"

"That's great"

"Okay. Now, what shall we do?"

"Get out of this place"

"Woah! I didn't knew that. I am asking how should we do that, stupid"

Ria simply shrugged. They both looked around themselves and observed the room which they were in.

While Bob was looking around, Ria observed a slight, rather straight crack on the dusty wall in front of her. She moved closer to inspect and what she found was a door completely camouflaged with the wall.

Bob looked towards her and came near the door. She thought she heard him mutter, "Puzzles again" under his breath.

Bob opened the door. The door lead to a tiny room. Inside that room were only two things, a ladder leading upwards and a small table. A tiny bottle with a mysterious, shiny green liquid inside it was placed over the table. On the bottle was a label reading 'black magic remover'.

"What is that thing?", asked Ria

"It's labelled black magic remover. I wonder what's it doing here? I mean why would the spirit need something like that?"

"Maybe it's doesn't belong to the spirit?"

"Hang on! If it actually is what it is labelled as, we can use this on Jack's diary to get his dad back!" said Bob

"Ya! But...we need to get there first...with them"

"We will"

"I wonder where the ladder is going to take us"

"There's only one way to find out I guess"

With that Bob reached for the ladder and started climbing it.

"Carefull Bob!"

"Ya, ya"

After hesitating for sometime, Ria joined him.

When Bob had reached the top, he noticed a trapdoor there.

"I think I foud it!"

"Just be carefull"

As soon as he opened the trapdoor he entered inside a very old looking room which he thought was a store room of some kind. One thing he knew was that judging by the looks of the place, they weren't underground anymore which was a good sign.

He climbed out and helped Ria do the same but little did he know that a strange sight awaited him on the other side of the door.

Hey readers! As promised this is another Sunday update for you guys. Hope you are enjoying the chapters so far, if so do make sure to Vote, Comment and Share the chapters.

What could be the strange site that Bob and Ria will see?

You can guess in the Comments.

Thanks For Reading!!!

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