Ch. 23

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You Want to Hunt With Me!? (5)

“You said it was different!”

Yu IlHan shouted, enraged at the unfair reality. However, Erta also shouted with a justified face.

[It is different! Why don’t you take a look at the skill evolution condition for spearmanship!]

He did as she said.

[Instakill a 3rd class monster with a piercing strike 0/500]

[Instakill a 3rd class monster with a slashing strike 0/500]

[Magic stones of 3rd class monsters 0/200]

[Magic stone of 4th class monster 0/1]

“Oh my Xel’naga.”

As Erta said, it was definitely different. And it was the difference between Mount Baekdu and Mount Everest! (T/N: Mount Baekdu is about 2.2km high)

“That doesn’t mean that it’s easy to climb mount Baekdu!”

[I thought it will be easy for you.]

Erta had evaluated him correctly, but perhaps due to his force he emited when he was making the Traps of Destruction was too big, she was now inclining towards overevaluating him.

“No matter how high my status is and how high my martial art levels are, in the end, I’m just level 28, and I can’t use mana.”

[Oh yeah, you were like that, weren’t you. 3rd class might be a little difficult for you.]

The wall of mana was absolute. According to whether one could use mana or not, the power one could produce differed like heaven and earth.

The reason how Yu IlHan can produce an attack power that can overwhelm other people is due to the peak level martial art that was trained to the peak and went over the piled up status on his body. If he was lacking in any of the two, he would have been overtaken by another person.

In reverse, if Yu IlHan acquired the ability to use mana in this situation, then the definition of ‘levels’ and ‘classes’ that the Akashic Records, which ruled the worlds, may be shaken by him, much less the life forms.

That day will arrive soon. It must arrive.

Erta realized that she was inwardly looking forward to that moment and she stopped thinking. Even during that, Yu IlHan was tidying up his bed, washing his face, and changing his clothes while complaining.

“Just where do you want me to go kill trolls? Do they even appear on Earth?”

[Monsters don’t only refer to the existences evolved from the original animals on Earth. If mana activates, the monsters that didn’t exist on Earth will start apearing. It’s the same as ores that weren’t on Earth appearing. Like a lobster cannot live on other environments than 1st class waters, there are many life-forms which cannot live unless the concentration of mana reaches a certain point, in this universe.]

“Did you major in the faculty of explanation or something?”

Yu IlHan cleared things up while complaining at Erta’s perfect explanation. Even if he goes out in pajamas, no one would realize him due to the passive concealment, but he didn’t want to admit that as he even put on the Direwolf Skull Mask.

“Let’s see.”

The reason he turned on the TV just before he went out was because of the thought that the TV may broadcast him the results of the Trap of Destruction that should have activated yesterday. Erta told him to not mind about it, but how ocould he? A master had to take responsibility for the item he makes.

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