Ch. 31

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I Also Go to Dungeons (3)

[You have earned 548,701 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 74 Big Metal Heart.]

"That was easy."

Yu IlHan, who smashed the Big Metal Heart into smithereens in one strike landed on the ground lightly with the pile bunker while muttering. However, immediately after that, he was dumbfounded after looking at the state of the bone bullet which was completely nailed in the ground.

It was good that the bullet shot out powefully after receiving the elastic power of the Giant's Rubber Band in full strength, but not only was it deeply embedded on the ground to the point that only the head peeked out a little, there was even a large crack over its body. As he knew how hard the Shadow Leopard's bones were, it was even more shocking.

There was one thing he knew from this.

"The bullets are one-time use......!"

[I wouldn't be able to accept it if there weren't such prices.]

The situation was different from the time he hunted the Giant Leopard or the Shadow Leopard. At that time, there were people helping him, and especially, the help from the Empress, who could use strong magic helped out alot.

However, now what? No matter how his physical body and techinques were abnormal, he just ended a monster twice his level in just a single strike!

"How can I retrieve the bullet? No, now that it came to this, should I make a frag shot under the premise that it's unretrievable?"

[Just retrieve its heart.]

Erta urged Yu IlHan, who, Befitting of a blacksmith, was designing a new weapon. He retrieved the bigger and brighter heart of the Big Metal Heart, compared to the ordinary Metal Hearts, and briefly tested its strength.

It was amazingly durable.

"Hey, it's much stronger than Metal Heart. Isn't that insane?"

[The final evolution form of Metal Hearts, the King Metal Heart, is a metal that boasts of superior durability even in worlds one level more advanced than Earth. Although, as a 4th class monster, it won't appear in this dungeon.]

"You were surprised with just the Big Metal Heart appearing, though?"

[Khm! It's just a coincidence. I can accept that the monsters which were already on Earth had evolved abnormally, but these monsters are in the end, new monsters appearing on Earth! This Big Metal Heart is the mutation. From now on, we wouldn't be able to meet any more of these!]

However, Yu IlHan thought while loading the 2nd bone bullet on the pile bunker. If she says that, the opposite will definitely happen.

Aaaaaannnd, as expected, they ended up meeting the second Big Metal heart in a cave deeper inside the dungeon.

[Fuu...... Fucking Earth. Nothing is going the way it should be.]

"Tell me how much of the dungeon is left."

[Wait a bit.]

While wondering whether to take out the pile bunker or not, Yu IlHan urged Erta. Originally, it was forbidden to leak the information on dungeons, but in truth, Erta, who helped Yu IlHan until now, honestly told him the information. If she said it was the reward for the quest, then there was no reason why it wouldn't work.

[We're only half way there.]

"Ok, let's seal the pile bunker first."

Yu IlHan had the confidence to end something like a Big Metal Heart in one go if he used the pile bunker, but the little ammo left weighed on his mind. Even in novels, weren't there cases where the MC got beaten up by the last boss due to using up all mana, or ammo, or potions?

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