Ch. 32

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I also go to Dungeons (4)

The less than 30 Traps of Destruction that Yu IlHan made were installed in various places throughout the world, and changed the properties of the already existing Traps of Destruction which were installed on Earth by God and the Angels, but could not efficiently attract monsters, to fit the property of Earth.

When thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dungeons activated in order, no matter how many years the monsters endured and developed specially on Earth, they couldn’t hold out.

Like that, the monsters which were in cities or highways, and such utilities used by humans, started disappearing. Now the world was stabilizing.

[Several countries in Asia, following Korea, Japan and China are stabilizing.]

[In other news, there are reports that restrictions have started to appear on the quests that could be received in other worlds. The higher existences, as said by the other worlders, are seemingly……]

It was troubling for Earthlings to only do quests in other worlds, when monsters are now trapped in dungeons on Earth, and even new monsters, which weren’t seen on Earth, were now appearing. The higher existences, with God as the center, were probably limiting quests in order to make them return to Earth.

It was very effective, and even now, it was making the number of returnees increase.

“No wonder it’s so noisy.”

Yu IlHan turned off the TV and muttered. Even now, he could hear some noises outside the workshop. It wasn’t the small noise made by military police patrolling. This was a noise made by lively human interaction.

“I wonder if my mother and father have come back yet.”


Erta nonchalantly replied, seemingly not interested. It was no wonder, as she was focused on the equipments that he had just finished making now.

[Did the options attach?]

“Yeah, probably. I was half sleepy so I couldn’t confirm, but I think the message was quite long.”

In fact, the reason he turned on the TV was to put off his sleepiness, other than information gathering. Erta wasn’t a person to chitchat.

The reason he was tired? Simple. It was because he hadn’t slept a bit after he came out of the dungeon.

Now that the work with creating Traps of Destruction, had ended, to celebrate(?), he concentrated in blacksmithing with the Metal Hearts’ and the Big Metal Hearts’ hearts. To be more exact, he couldn’t stay still due to his body being itchy for work.

No, to be more exact, now that the creation of the Traps of Destruction was finished, he didn’t know when the angels would come for the blacksmithing tools he had, so he hurried even more.

Anyway, as a result, before the angels came for the tools, he safely completed all work.

“It might have been even better if there was a magic stone.”

[The form which their magic condenses into are their hearts. Including Metal Hearts’, the metals which are able to be acquired from monsters are called Core Metals, the equipments made with Core Metals need less mana in mana crafting.]

“It’s easier for an option to be attached too. right?”

[You understand well. Just thank me for telling you such an information before such a metal was monopolized by other people.]

“Nah, just give me the rest of the rewards.”

Yu IlHan retorted while grumbling and checked the things he had made.

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