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I Make Them (1)

[They’re Executors.]

“I vaguely expected that.”

The 5-person group of men and women shattered the half-frozen situation made by Yu IlHan’s fight. The soldiers came to themselves and the leader (who was a major) tapped his cheeks twice lightly and turned his head towards them.

“The monster was exterminated.”

“Exterminated? I heard it was a 2nd class monster though…… Oh.”

The man who looked like the leader of the group retorted while looking around and found Yu IlHan. This was only possible because Yu IlHan was in the middle of dismantling the bear.

“Sungdaein Bolt?”

“It’s him! It’s the Ir*nm*n mask!”

“Wow, then he really finished that bear alone? No way! Just what kind of arcane magic did he learn to get so strong?” (T/N: ‘Vision’ last time was actually arcane magic… I think…)

Yu IlHan didn’t like the group a lot when he saw that they were whispering to each other while evaluating him, but they were Executors who had the same objectives as him. There was no need to antagonize them for naught.

He ignored the five and started moving again. It would take a lot of time to dismantle the huge bear so there was no need to waste time on useless staring cont……

When he thought to that point, the huge bear corpse started decreasing in size. To Yu IlHan, who was shocked, Erta naturally explained.

[You didn’t know? It had a Giantification skill. If its real body was 7m tall, then it would have been much stronger.]

“There are all sorts of skills, eh…?”

Honestly, Yu IlHan was delighted that the size of the bear had decreased as he had nothing to use all that bear leather for anyway. So, he waited silently for its body to decrease, and in the end, he started dismantling the bear that had been reduced to a size slightly less than 3m.

“H, hey. Sungdaein Bolt?”

“You’re really strong! Did you really get your 2nd job? Did you perhaps find a dungeon?”

“Hey, if a person’s talking to you, then ans……”

To a loner like Yu IlHan, such outgoing and grouped people were people who he was uncomfortable with. Therefore, he perfectly ignored the Executors who approached him and quietly wielded his spear.

“He doesn’t seem to have any intentions on confronting us. Give it up.”

“Tch, such a disgusting individual.”

“Why, isn’t he cool? He looks like a solitary gourmet.”

“Wow, this woman’s preferences are really something, alright!?”

They tried to converse with Yu IlHan a few more times, but after they found out that he had no intentions on conversing, they clicked their tongues and turned away.

“It doesn’t seem like there is anything we can do here. Let’s go.”

“There was a request for support in other regions, can we request……?”

“Of course!”

It was a truly amazing communication ability. If it was Yu IlHan, he would’ve failed at the greeting stage, because his counterpart wouldn’t be able to find him.

However, whether they went or not, another line flew towards Yu IlHan, who was dismantling the bear. It was the leader who went ‘Sungdaein Bolt?’ in surprise when he first saw him.

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