Chapter Twenty-One

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Nagisa's point of view:

Nagisa: "Hey Y/n, do you have any memories of the past that you like? I read my old diary and remembered one. It sorta inspired me to be the person I am today. Do you have any like that?" I ask quickly.

The second I stop talking, he freezes in place. A couple minutes later, he throws some jeans and a hoodie at me, telling me that we are leaving in 5 minutes. I quickly change into them, a little sceptical of why he's doing this but I decide to trust him.

We leave and I end up having to follow him. He's not said a word since. Did I upset him? How did I upset him? After 25 long minutes of silent walking, we reach the train station, where Y/n purchases 2 tickets (each for a trip and back) for him and me. Once we sit on the train, he starts talking:

Y/n: "Yeah... sorry to make you worry or anything but I thought instead of just telling you... about my past... I should just show you. There's a reason why I don't live with my parents."  He said in a rather sad tone.

I simply give him a small smile and hold his hand, trying to reassure him that I'll love him no matter what, but that got me thinking, where are his parents? Were his mother like mine? No, that's just crazy talk. 

The train eventually comes to a stop that Y/n gets out of and I hastily follow him. Wait a minute... this is Tokyo?!

Y/n motions for me to follow him until we reach a hotel. He stops outside and begins:

Y/n: "Seven years ago, my parents took me to Tokyo for a couple of weeks since they had some work-related activities to do, so they paid for a hotel for me to sleep in." 

His tone is quite shaky, as if he's trying to hold himself back from sobbing. This makes me even more intrigued but also discourages me from hearing the rest. I don't want him to talk to me about this if he doesn't want to. He continues:

Y/n: "However, I got bored rather quickly, and I was a reading fanatic back then. So I left the hotel to get some fresh air. I went to the park not so far from here and read there." 

My eyes instantly widen as I piece everything together. So that was...


Y/n: "There was this boy who approached me. I was rude at first, but later I came back and found he was quite nice. He calmed me dow-" He explains before I cut him off.

Nagisa: "Y/n... that boy... was me. In this exact park seven years ago, I helped a kid who read alone because he was sad." I say, with shock and happiness in my voice.

Y/n looks at me in utter disbelief, his mouth wide open. However, it eventually turns into a sweet smile and... tears? Ah, happy tears!

'So, I knew he was different to the others even way back then.' I wondered. The thought of us having met before instils a sense of warmth in me. It's like destiny, isn't it?

My mind then wonders to something else:

Nagisa: "Y/n, when I saw you there, you were sad, why is that?" I asked patiently

Y/n: "It was the day my parents were killed. I was upset, so I went to be alone, until I saw you there. You cheered me up someone and inspired me to become what I am. I... I guess I did that to you to huh?" He says, making light of the situation. However, his happy tears turn to sad ones after the mention of his parents.

I sit him down by the bench and give him the warmest embrace possible. We stay like this for at least 5 minutes. 'It's a good thing there's no one here to see us' I thought. After a few more minutes, he gets up and tells me it's time to go back home. Normally a trip this short would've been a waste of money, but I feel we've learnt more about each other today, broken more of our barriers.

Afterwards, we go back home and lie in for the rest of the day, in each other's arms. We lightly kiss, keeping it going for quite a while. Pure bliss. Destiny wanted us to be together and now we are. 

We fell asleep extremely early, only eight O'clock! As you probably guessed, we fell asleep cuddling. I was the most relieved and relaxed I had ever been. Our love grows even stronger.

Tomorrow is another day...

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