Chapter Fifteen

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Y/n's point of view:

I dodge all of his strikes, not getting the chance to fight back. I cant do this forever, he'll eventually get me. I won't survive like this, I'll have to resort to playing dirty. Maybe, just maybe I can get him to stop if I promise to transfer schools and never see Nagisa again. 'It's worth a try' I thought, before eventually shouting:

Y/n: "Stop! Please! I'll do anything you want!" I sobbed, dropping down to my knees, trying to look convincing.

I receive a punch to the face before I hear a reply.

Karma: "...I was wrong about you, you're pathetic. Fine... but you must transfer to a different school, move away and never see me or Nagisa again, got it?" He growls crazily before unlocking the door which conveniently leads out of the house. 

As I am about to walk out, I swiftly turn around and land a punch, moving as fast as I can trying to follow up, managing to disarm him and throw the knife out of the house. His bloodlust grows ten-fold and fills the room. Karma laughs maniacally while singing:

Karma: "This is where the fun begins!" 

We begin to fight, the both of us being evenly matched. Every punch I land, he manages to take one back. It ends up becoming an endurance test - the first one who falters dies. A little while later we are both exhausted. I can't dodge whatever comes next, my legs (covered in cuts and bruises) are about to give up on me. 

Just before Karma manages to get to me, I shout:

Y/n: "Nagisa?!" hoping for him to fall for it. Surprisingly it worked. His rage and drive to kill me caused him to forget that he locked every other door.

I manage to punch him square in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out. I take his keys and wander around until I find the room Nagisa and I were in. He sees me and looks shocked. My injuries aren't exactly invisible...

Nagisa: "Y-Y/n! Are you okay?! Where's Karma?" He questions, but I don't have time for that, I motion for him to come with me and we start running - well, he starts running and I start limping.

Y/n: "We're leaving now, come on!" I shout as loudly as I can and Nagisa follows me out of the mansion.

Once we get back home, Nagisa tends to my injuries, placing bandages over most of them while disinfecting the serious ones before plastering them. 

He then speaks up:

Nagisa: "What happened?" He asks in a serious voice. 

Y/n: "Karma. He set the whole thing up just to lure me to the bathroom and try to kill me. I survived and he's currently unconscious. He won't let you go, you know that right?" I respond, while slightly wincing due to the pain from the disinfectant.

Nagisa nods slowly, with a sad expression on his face. After a couple more minutes, he speaks once again:

Nagisa: "I'm never going to forgive him for this." He says, the room filling with an even more dangerous bloodlust that Karma's. I grow worried until he calms himself down, planting a kiss on my cheek before he places a plaster.

Nagisa then hugs me, telling me that I'm not going to school tomorrow and that he'll take care of me. I try to argue back but there's no changing his mind. Before go to bed, exhausted from the events that happened prior, I whisper to Nagisa:

Y/n: "I really am lucky to have someone like you..." I say before drifting off to sleep. I catch a glimpse of Nagisa, blushing with a shy smile. 

Tomorrow is another day...

Nagisa's point of view:

I wake up and the first thing I do is prepare breakfast for Y/n while he's asleep, since he's far too hurt to do anything at the moment. After cleaning the living room, I wake him up with a kiss on the cheek. 

Nagisa: "Morning sweetheart" I say as gently as possible

He yawns before responding in kind. We make our way to the kitchen and eat breakfast. After that, we revise a little before sitting next to each other on the couch, his head laying on my shoulder. This is kind of nice in a way, I really like taking care of him. It makes me feel... warm. We share a hug, which last for a long time. 

I pull away and decide to break the silence.

Nagisa: "So... what are we going to do about Karma. He's bound to try this again." I say full of concern for Y/n's safety. I don't care if Karma and I used to be close. He messed up twice, the second time he tried to kill my love. I'm done with him!

After a few minutes of thinking, Y/n responds:

Y/n: "I-I don't know... he'll stop at nothing to try again." He replies, looking dejected. "Wait, if we can find a way to put him behind bars, he can't get to us." He eventually says, causing me to instantly agree. 'He tried to kill Y/n, he deserves more than just prison' I thought to myself.

However, we soon hear an aggressive knock at the door. I gulp, it's him, isn't it?

Y/n tells me to answer it as he goes to the table and props up his tablet, turning it on. Wait, why  did he do that? Does he not think it's him? 

I slowly open the door to reveal a blood-lusted Karma who instantly shoves me out of the way, going directly for Y/n first. He strikes and lands a hit, causing Y/n to stagger down. Before Y/n gets a chance to pick himself back up he gets pummelled constantly, Karma showing no sign of stopping. I scream and try to fight Karma but I cant, I just get pushed aside over and over again. I'm too weak. 

However, the sound of sirens fills the area and police come rushing through, instantly stopping Karma and placing him in handcuffs while he shrieks maniacally. Y/n gets up, using all the strength he can muster and points to the table where his tablet is. The leading policeman shows us both a video that had been recorded. 

Y/n had called the police and started to record Karma before he got hurt even more, all of it being in the video. 'Clever bastard' I thought, happy for Y/n. 

The policeman tells us that Karma will most likely be going to jail for a very long time, after hearing me tell him everything that happened the past 2 days. We thank the officer and he leaves, wishing us a good day.

Y/n lays on the couch as I instantly rush towards him, having new wounds to cater to. As I finish his last new bruise he pulls me into a hug as tight as he can, not caring about his injuries.

Nagisa: "No matter how things will be in the future, bruises and all, I'm never gonna leave you. I love you and only you Y/n." I say softly, tears forming in my eyes - happy tears.

Y/n: "Same here, sapphire." He says, causing me to giggle a little. He then continues. "At this point, you are everything to me and I wouldn't trade you for the world."

I blush and we share a deep kiss, where despite his injuries, he still manages to gain entrance. After another 'session' that we haven't had for what feels like and eternity now, the rest of the day went pretty much normally.

Tonight, I let him have the bed by himself as I go to sleep on the couch, allowing him more space so his wounds will heal quicker. I slowly doze off to sleep.

Tomorrow is another day...

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