Chapter Seven

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Y/n's point of view:

I wake up an hour earlier than usual this time, my mind fixed on Nagisa, hoping he's asleep. Thankfully he is, so I quietly go to the kitchen and start cooking some eggs and bacon with peas as the side, before I pour a glass of orange into 2 cups, one for me and one for him. I also prepare him a packed lunch alongside my own. I hear a loud yawn from Nagisa as he wakes up, opens the door and wanders into the room, with a smile on his face. 'He must've slept well' I thought.

He wanders to the sitting room and spots me in the kitchen, with two plates of a very filling breakfast.

Nagisa: "You cooked one for me?" He asked with a sweet tone. He both looks and sounds so innocent, with his hair slightly messy from sleeping.

Y/n: "Yep, and I also prepared you a packed lunch." I reply, without thinking it's a big deal. Secretly though, I wanted to surprise him.

Nagisa: "You didn't have to do all this you know?" He says just before eating, showing satisfaction and energy in his face once he finishes.

Y/n: "I know, but I wanted to make your first day of living somewhere else easier that's all." I say in response.

Once we are both finished, he asks me another question:

Nagisa: "Y/n, do you think you can help me get ahead of what I'll be going over today at school?" He asks, slightly shy. 

Y/n: "Of course, now, where do you want to start?" I say back, in an encouraging manner. If he starts to enjoy this stuff, with his perceptive mind, I could see him being in my class soon. 'It'd be nice to have someone who is actually interesting to work with in lessons for once' I thought to myself happily.

As I go through things with him, he starts predicting what happens next. If he keeps this up, he'll even be at my level! 45 minutes passes and we walk to school.

As we walk through the gates, I spot a couple of people from my class in the hallways, its Kish and Yuuki again... Their faces quickly turn from that of obvious arrogance, to utter disbelief. A student from top class walking and talking with a student from bottom class. Surprisingly they don't look angry or disgusted. However, if I know anything about them, that will soon come. Probably during lessons.

Me and Nagisa part ways to go to our respective classrooms and, sure enough, they decide to ask me, voices filled with malice:

Kish: "So, Y/n was it? Are you feeling okay? Why are you walking around the school with trash?"

Yuuki: "Why did you talk to such a delinquent?! He has no place in life! If you're so desperate for friends, you should've told us and we'd talk to you?" 

Kish: "Tell you what, we'll be friends and we can put that fool in their place, 'kay?"

I consider how to respond. How do I annoy them as much as possible? Ah, I know:

Y/n: "Well, I actually thought of that but I then realised you're both incredibly boring that I can practically predict what you're going to say next. So, I'm only going to say this once, before you then scowl and turn away, probably holding onto this moment as a grudge against me: keep yourselves out of my business, please?" I respond trying to sound nice and sweet at the end, putting salt into the wound.

As I predicted, they both give me dirty looks and then turn away, amplifying their arrogant faces previously held before the conversation two-fold. I laugh as I was right.

Later on, I eat lunch with Nagisa and get back to my lessons. Just before the last lesson ends, an announcement comes from the speakers around the school:

Head Teacher: "Hello students. In 3 days from now, you will be getting exams based on everything you have done thus far. However, there will be a couple of questions which requires further reading in your own time if you hope to stand any chance of answering them. At the end, there will be a part more advanced but still linked to what you have learnt. This part is for intuition purposes. This exam is mainly to find any who may have cheated their way into the higher classes. Scores for each class will result in the following:

- Class 1's test: 90% or above in order to stay in your current class. Any scores below result in you being moves to class 2.

- Class 2's test: 75-94% to stay in your current class. 95% or above moves into class 1. Below 75% results in you being moved to class 3.

- Class 3's test: 66-80% to stay in your current class. Above 80% moves you into class 2. Below 66% results in you being moved to class 4. Probably wont happen though

- Class 4's test: 60-80% to stay in your current class. Above 80% moves you into class 3. Below 60% results in you being moved to class 5, god forbid.         (I get angry at his little remark)

- Class 5's test: 66% or above to move up to class 4, though I have doubts as to whether class 4 will be receiving anyone new.  

That's all for now, have a good evening." The headmaster finishes, leaving me slightly ticked off at his clear favouritism towards the upper classes.

As I leave the classroom, I find Nagisa waiting to walk home with me. Once we get home

 We talk to each other about our upcoming test and I decide to help him with the content that he has already been taught. I also give him a few pointers as to what his current work leads into. However, his intuition is already top-class quality, so I don't need to worry about that. To be honest, he seems like a class 1 student judging by the way he works, he just hasn't been taught well by the school, as they simply don't care. 

I curse quietly to myself, knowing that the only reason students like Nagisa are in the bottom class is because the school doesn't care to teach them. As ironic as it seems, the teachers in those specific classes are what's keeping them there.

After that, we both eat and he heads into my room while I lay on the couch, both ready to go to sleep. We were both very tired ever since the school day ended. I form about half of a plan in my head for something, before falling asleep.

Tomorrow is another day...

My New Start (Nagisa X Male reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن