Chapter Nineteen

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- - - - - - 7 Years Earlier - - - - - - 

Y/n's point of view: 

I hear my alarm ring and instantly wake up, I quickly get dressed and make my way downstairs for breakfast. Once I reach the table, I hear a very familiar voice: 

Y/n's Mother: "Hi sweetie! You seem eager to get going!" She says, slightly surprised. 

Y/n: "Yeah, I cannot wait to go on holiday!" I exclaim, a little louder than I wanted to. 

Y/n's Mother: "Remember son, this isn't a holiday, we just have to stay in Tokyo for a few days while your father have some important interviews there. We booked you a hotel room and there's a park nearby if you ever get bored. You must remember-"

Y/n: "Yeah, yeah, be polite, act like a high-class gentleman." I say with a little sarcasm, cutting her off before she can finish. She gives me a stern look as I remember that by cutting her off, I just did the opposite of what she said. However, instead of looking guilty, I laughed a little.

Soon enough my dad came down and we left to Tokyo for 5 days. We get into the limousine my mother had paid for us and got going. 

While I was being driven, my mind wandered back to school. I was a smart student, and always tried to be nice but I got bullied even more because of it. Then there were fake friends who abandon you the second they don't need you. I dreaded every day of going back. I don't want to go back. Every day was so boring and predictable, more name-calling, more punches and kicks. My parents told me to ignore and report them, but as you probably know, that doesn't do anything these days. If anything, it makes them want to pick on you more!

Once we get to the hotel, I hug my parents and we go our separate ways. I get into the hotel room and lock the door, deciding to take a shower and read afterwards. After a couple of hours, I got extremely bored so I decided to walk around the park, where I saw kids my age hogging slides and fighting each other. 'So much for a prestigious town' I thought as I sat down on one of the nearby benches and got my book back out. 

'Maybe a change of scenery is all I need' I said to myself, trying to make the best of a boring situation. However, I keep my guard up, listening to everything going on, just in case anyone tries anything on me. Years of being bullied allows me to read and listen to other things at the same time without even having to look to know where they are.

I hear slow, uneven footsteps getting closer towards me as I stop, pretending to be reading. Once the person gets closer to me, I hear stuttering towards me:

Boy: "H-hello..." They say, as if they are terrified to even talk to me. The were a boy but sounded slightly higher than a usual male. They sounded about my age, but less 'posh'. 'More normal then' I thought. 

I don't trust him, no one ever talks to me normally. Thinking that this boy was going to  try and bully me, I cut them off without even looking at them, before walking away:

Y/n: "Listen, I've had enough crap, if you're going to pick on me having even met me before, then I'm not even giving you the chance." I say in an annoyed tone. I walk away back to the hotel, not even seeing what the person looked like. I hear faint stuttering as I leave, without even looking at them.

As I get back to my room, I lay in my bed for a couple of hours, before I hear a knock on the door. I open it to see a policeman:

Policeman: "Are you Y/n?" He says strictly. I nod. "I'm afraid I have some bad news... you're mother and father were killed. We have the culprit. He tried robbing them and they resisted, causing him to get angry, stabbing them both. By the time an ambulance arrived... it was too late." He says in a softer tone.

My mind goes into shock and panic. At first I don't believe it, it must be a joke, until I realise that my parents don't do jokes. The policeman comes in and gives me some time before speaking. After about half an hour, I talk:

Y/n: "W-what happens to me?" I say, sobbing. My face was wet with tears. I could only half listen for a response. So many things in my mind were just attacking each other at once, making it hard to focus. I was a little light-headed.

Policeman: "Well, your parents left a will in which you inherit their house, money and car. You'll still be able to go to school and get an education and your bills for the next 2 years are covered. However, we'll have to cut your time here short, that's the reason why I'm here. I've come to give you a ride back to your place." He says, trying (and failing) to lighten the mood.

I have a couple hours left before I have to go, so I go back to the park, wanting to just sit down and think in the fresh air. This impacts everything, once wrong move and my life could be screwed up. It's just me, alone...

As I get to the bench, I notice someone sitting there. I keep my head down. At this point I don't care if I get bullied or not:

Y/n: "E-excuse me, do you mind if I sit here?" I ask, trying to hold back my sobbing. They nod and motion for me to sit next to them. They start to speak and I recognise this voice as that stuttering boy's from earlier:

Boy: "Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." He says softly. His voice sounds strangely soothing, calming me down a little.

I respond:

Y/n: "It's just been a rough day." I reply, looking at the ground.

The boy gets up and wraps his arms around me, causing me to freeze. I never thought anything else would shock me today.

Boy: "I've been told a hug can make things better." He says, his arms still wrapped around me before he pulls away and sits back down.

My face turns red a little and my thoughts of before had mostly gone, a small smile appearing on my face. As I am about to look at him, I hear the policeman from afar:

Policeman: "Y/n, it's time to go!" He shouts but not too loudly.

I quickly stand up, saying one last thing to the boy:

Y/n: "T-thanks, I feel a little better." I say before running to the policeman and getting into the car.

I never got a chance to properly look at him but the interaction got me thinking: 'Maybe there are some good people' I thought, my small smile returning.

Once I get home, I make a promise:

"Dear mum and dad, I wish you didn't have to leave but I learned something from today. You're not always going to have help from others, which makes you feel alone and may even cause you to hate the way things are, and the people around you. However, if you stick to what's right, you will endure." 

"I met someone today who changed my perspective and made me realise that there's always a light even in the darkest abyss. I will move forward in life using what you've taught me and my new experiences. I will live a nice, comfortable life with whatever good friends I can find and I'll never forget the great people you were. 

Thank you for all you have done, I'll take it from here."

I write it on a piece of paper and stick it onto my wall. I mentally thank both my parents and the boy who renewed my will to persevere. 

My new start.

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