Chapter Sixteen

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Y/n's point of view:

I wake up and go to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. Nagisa decided for me to have one more day of rest before going back to school. My mind goes to the event happening tomorrow. If you didn't know this, tomorrow is Nagisa's birthday. I found this out when Karma and I spoke a couple of days before he tried to kill me. I'm surprised that Nagisa didn't tell me. I have almost finished planning for it but I'll need to ask him when his birthday is (even though I know) so it doesn't look suspicious. 

I plan to make a lovely dinner at home, with a romantic ambience; candles on the table and the lights in the room dimmed at the very least or fully turned off. I also brought some decor to make the house look more appealing to the eye, as well as ironing out my casual clothes. You heard me right, casual clothes. Although my love deserves the best, it'll end up being quite tiresome dressing up only to take them off moments later to go to bed (since it'll be night, not for anything else!). 

I hear my bedroom door open and Nagisa walks out, finding me and approaching with open arms. Soon later I am caught in a hug from a tired Nagisa saying:

Nagisa: "Good morning" He slurs, his arms still wrapped around me. 

I respond in kind and we eat. Afterwards, I ask him:

Y/n: "So Nagisa, I can't believe I haven't asked this yet, but when is your birthday?" I ask, trying my best to sound curious.

Nagisa: "I-I'd rather not say... every time it's my birthday, something bad happens. I used to get picked on even more on those specific days, and last year, my friend took their own life... I can't really find any enjoyment in it anymore. Sorry, I hope you understand..." He trails off sounding sad and a little guilty towards the end.

So, more bad things have scarred this poor boy from the past, it only makes me want to protect him more, so I mentally promise myself to give him the best birthday ever to make up for it. However, if this doesn't go as planned, our relationship may fall apart. Despite this, I'm willing to take the risk. 

Y/n: "Don't, worry, I understand." I say softly.

As he leaves to practise the piano, I start planning as to how I'm going to get him out of the house in time to get things prepared as well as having him come back at the perfect time. I decide on telling him to go buy some supplies from the store by himself, which only gives me a little time to get everything together, but I should manage. 'The things I do for him...' I thought, knowing full well I'd do anything just to see one of his irresistible smiles.  

The rest of the day goes pretty normal, minus not having to go to school when we normally do. We eventually go to sleep in each other's arms.

Tomorrow is another day... Nagisa's birthday!!

I wake up slightly earlier than usual - its a weekend today, and also my little sapphire's birthday. I wake Nagisa up and we spend many hours together revising, playing games and watching movies. I notice Nagisa being a little more shy than usual, like he's expecting something bad to happen.

Soon, the time to prepare creeps upon me, so I ask Nagisa to go to the supermarket to buy some food supplies (as I'll be using our current ones up today) and he accepts, a little sad that I'm not coming with him. The second he leaves the house I put my plan into motion.

Nagisa's point of view:

As I walk to the supermarket, I shake a little. Year after year, something goes wrong on this very day. Once I get there, I look around the aisles, finding that most have been cleared out. Is this my bad luck? 'It's not that bad-' I thought before accidentally bumping into someone who aggressively pushes me away.

Stranger: "Oi, watch it! Freak!" He shouts before moving to another aisle. 

I mutter the words sorry and move to an aisle further away. I can't seem to find any of the things he asked for. I know he'll be disappointed but I have no choice. I walk back home and kid me not, I keep accidentally bumping into people today, one of them chasing after me but thankfully I out-sped him and got away. Small tears start to form in my eyes. Yet again things go wrong. People hate me and I couldn't even find what Y/n asked for.

I keep walking and eventually encounter some of Y/n's classmates and they make a beeline towards me, throwing insults and picking at my clothes, asking where someone like me got the money for these (some of Y/n's smaller clothes). After a while, they get bored and leave me alone, not before receiving a shove from one of the girls, who shouts before leaving.

Yuuki: "Right girls, lets leave the faggot be. He's probably gonna run home crying to his boyfriend!" She says and they all start laughing loudly as they walk away.

I eventually home but wait outside the door for my tears to stop and to make sure there's no sign that I was crying. I was also a little nervous to tell him that I couldn't find anything. I slowly open the door, coming in and locking it with a copy of the keys he gave me.

Then, I start to notice that everything is dark...

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