Chapter Nine

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Y/n's point of view:

Nagisa and I get dressed in separate rooms. I get dressed in my bedroom whilst he does so in the living room. Looking through my wardrobe, I decide to go with a lazuli-coloured shirt under a smart-looking dark grey jumper. I accompany this with some cobalt blue jeans. They fit just right showing my slightly athletic figure.

I then walk into the living room to see Nagisa staring at me, with his mouth slightly open in an 'o' shape. I wave at him, causing him to snap out of whatever he was doing. Wait, was he checking me out? 'Maybe... he likes me too?' I ponder hopefully.

I look at Nagisa and end up stunned in awe; my cheeks turning slightly red. He wore a sapphire blue jumper, which fit his figure perfectly, showing the curves from his thin upper body to his waist, that beautiful hourglass figure! He was wearing the same jeans that he had worn when we went to the cafe. I wasn't complaining, remembering how great that made his ass look. He looks flawless, no, he is flawless!

Y/n: "You look amazing." I say rather quietly. A blush appears on his face. Cute. He then responds back, a little flustered.

Nagisa: "Y-you look pretty n-nice too Y/n." His voice got more and more silent towards the end of his response. A shy response. Damn, how does he keep getting cuter!

We leave the house, travelling to the restaurant. Just like the last time we walked together, we were very close together. 'If only we could hold hands' I thought, dreaming about when that day comes- sorry, if that day comes. The weather was very sunny, but cool as the wind provided a nice breeze. Once we get outside the restaurant, I say something:

Y/n: "I promise, that I'll make this a time worth remembering."  I say quietly, but loud enough so that Nagisa can hear it.

He looks at me, tilting his head to the side, looking at me with a curious expression. Before I end up in yet another trance, I open one of the doors for us both and we enter. We take our seats at a table for two, near the back of the restaurant. We observe our menus, and shortly later a waiter comes to take our order.

Waiter: "Are you two ready to order?"

I respond, ordering a vegetable pasta dish, while Nagisa orders a steak and chips, with some salad. We both ask for lemonade for our drinks. The waiter responds, telling us our orders will be here in around 35 minutes.

While we are waiting, I decide to ask Nagisa about his past, curious to learn about what made him into the dear he is today.

Y/n: "So, Nagisa I'd like to know more about your past if that's okay, whether it be friends, family, school or other experiences." I say patiently, giving examples in case he doesn't want to talk about any particular topic.

Nagisa: "Its fine. Well, before I transferred here, I was a student in Kunugigaoka Junior high, and I was also in the bottom class there. The teachers back there also didn't seem to care. Apparently we were going to get a new teacher, and there were rumours that they were a bit strange, but that didn't pan out. I... actually got bullied quite badly there. I used to have 2 friends, one a girl and the other a boy. The girl was called Kayano. She didn't have a good life, and once her sister died, she decided to take her own life. My other friend was called Karma, he used to get in trouble and tease me a lot but he always defended my from bullies. He cared about me, and I cared about him a great deal too. Sadly, he moved schools and we haven't been in contact since. I was alone for another 3 years being bullied verbally and sometimes even being beaten. However, I learnt to put up with it and... nothing changed. However, once I transferred here, I met you, a great guy who cares for me despite my low grades, and how much of a burden I can be... I'm glad I got to meet you." He trails off, leaving a sad smile on his face

Before he gets the chance to shed any tears, I tell him something: 

Y/n: "I'm glad I got to meet you too, Nagisa. You're an incredibly clever, perceptive and caring person. I had many friends growing up, but all of them weren't reliable or just pretended to care about me, acting more like leeches. None are like you, which is why it hurts me to see you think that you're a burden. You are a delight to be friends with, teach and talk to, and I promise that between you and me, I'm the lucky one here." I say, a sad smile and the threat of tears being apparent on my face. I wipe the tears off using a tissue until I'm greeted by a surprise hug by Nagisa, who stays silent, with a gentle blush covering his entire face. He replies after a couple of minutes

Nagisa: "After being bullied growing up, and been on the receiving end of many deceptions and pranks, I can tell when someone is lying. And from what I saw and heard from you was completely honest, so... thank you!" He says, hugging me tighter before letting go after seeing that I almost ran out of air.

Our food came 15 minutes later. We ate it in silence, appreciating the amazing work done by the chefs. We then ordered one desert each - 2 slices of strawberry sponge cake, before finishing and leaving a tip. It's dark outside now. I check my phone only to realise that it's 9pm. 'Time to go home' I thought.

After leaving the restaurant, we made our way back home. About 5 minutes into the trip back, I feel something grab my hand, Nagisa. My brain almost went crazy at this point. I look at Nagisa, who remains looking forward, with a massive blush and shy smile on his face. 'They know what they did!' I thought to myself, mentally squealing in happiness, as I'm sure he was too when I started holding his hand back, with a proud but gentle expression on my face, as his blush intensified further beyond what I thought possible. 

We get home, put our night clothes back on before going to bed. However, just before Nagisa is able to go to 'his' bedroom, I tap him on the shoulder. He turns around and I give him a quick peck on the lips before whispering:

Y/n: "Goodnight."

His massive blush from earlier returns as he quickly responds before dashing into my bedroom:

Nagisa: "Goodnight, Y/n."

Once he's gone, I make my way to the couch and fall asleep

Tomorrow is another day...

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