Chapter Eight

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Y/n's point of view:

I wake up, greeted by Nagisa sitting on a chair right next to the bed, staring at me. He had that gentle smile on his face, watching me peacefully. His peaceful expression is simply irresistible. Wait, was he watching me sleep? A few seconds after I open my eyes, his expression of utter bliss turns to one of shock, as if he didn't expect me to wake up this early. 'He must've tried to get a head start on me' I think to myself, somewhat in awe of how much he cares.

Y/n: "Aww, that's no fair, go back to the face you were making before..." I complain, causing him to giggle, which in turn causes a fluttering feeling in my chest.

Nagisa: "You know, you look pretty cute in your sleep." He says, a slight blush present on his face.

Y/n: "Nah, if anything, you're the one who looks cute. Or is it pretty? Actually, maybe you look more like an angel?" I... say? After a few seconds, it kicks in that yes, I said it instead of thinking it. 

Nagisa's blush returns, more intense than I've ever seen it. He just stares at me for a few seconds yet again. Sadly, as I'm too embarrassed by what I just said, I couldn't analyse his facial expression. I stare into his eyes while I have the chance. I feel like I'm in a warm ocean every time I do. Part of me is starting to think that maybe I did some good by saying it.

Another couple of seconds pass before the silence is broken.

Nagisa: "A-anyways, I was thinking w-we could go somewhere after college today... maybe the town?" He mumbles, obviously flustered.

Y/n: "Of course, anything for you Nagisa, as long as I pay." I say, in a slightly teasing tone at the end. Nagisa's face is completely red at this point.

Once his face goes back to its natural colour, we argue for a couple of minutes. He eventually settles for us to settle whatever we buy 50-50.

We then take a shower (separately obviously, we're not at that stage yet... sadly), eat breakfast, practise the piano and get some studying done in preparation. We then get dressed into our college attire.

While we get changed, I take some time to observe the beauty a few metres away from me. He only put on a vest and some pyjama trousers after he got out of the shower. Likewise. It was here that I notice that despite his short height, his body... is perfect! A slim hourglass figure with an enticing waist. Past his waist, a perfect ass. For someone of his height and build, its quite large, but it also looks strong. 'Cute' I thought before looking down at his legs, which were quite slim. He's simply divine. I decide to stop (although it takes a lot to do so) before he notices. 

I get dressed, with him having done so already. He begins to brush his hair, before I ask him something:

Y/n: "May I?" I ask shyly.

Nagisa: "... okay." He replies, equally as nervous.

As he turns around, his body is no longer tense. Instead, it is fully relaxed, making me think he may actually be happy about this, though he would never admit it. I begin to brush his hair. It passes through his hair so smoothly, he takes very good care of it. It makes me want to put my fingers through it again, but I refrain. I find myself lost in a trance, becoming enamoured with such a simple act. I never wanted this to end. However, after hearing Nagisa ask if I'm done, I snap out of my euphoria and put his hair into those signature pigtails he usually wears.

We then left the apartment and walked to school. 

The school day goes as normal, with the occasional student bringing up the lower classes with hate in their tone. I eat lunch with Nagisa and we talk more. I decide to not compliment his looks or say anything else that could be considered as 'flirting'. So instead, we talk about where we should go after school:

Y/n: "So, about the town, where exactly do you want to go? I have an idea, but I'll let you go first." I say politely. He shoots me a sweet smile before answering:

Nagisa: "W-well, there's this restaurant that opened quite recently." He spoke timidly, a blush returning to his face. 'Aww, is he asking me on a date' I thought. I brushed the thought off. I'd probably have to be the one to make the first move, and that's probably not going to happen anytime soon.

Y/n: "It's settled then. It's far better than my idea of the cafe again." I said, laughing at the idea of going to the cafe again.

We hear the bell ring, and Nagisa gives me a quick but strong hug, holding me very close. I hug back but seconds later we separate, going to our next lessons.

The school day ends the same as usual and Nagisa walks home alongside me, noticeably closer to me than usual. If he gets any closer, we may as well be holding hands! We get home get out of our uniform and get dressed for our upcoming 'date'. 

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