Chapter Ten

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Nagisa's point of view:

My alarm rings, waking me up, ready for the school day. Only one more day left till that test. I feel like I can do well this time, thanks to... him. For the rest of the time up until I get to college, my mind remains on Y/n. He helped me through so much, and even let me stay with him. I guess everything hit me at once after we left the restaurant, and I let it all out, kissing him for the first time. It was short but it felt so euphoric. I... I wanna do it again. 

As me and Y/n leave (walking to school) my mind shifts ever so slightly. When did I fall for him? Was it when he let me live with him? Was it during our first lunch time together? My thoughts suddenly get interrupted when we reach the school building. We enter and go our separate ways. Just to clarify, we did not hold hands with each other. We didn't talk much this morning. I think we are in aftershock of what happened last night.

The lessons are incredibly boring... and very predictable. A teacher comes in and starts complaining and then proceeds to teach in the most careless way possible. Time after time, the cycle repeats until it's lunch time and I meet Y/n in the school garden.

We greet each other rather awkwardly and begin eating. However, this time, we were interrupted by someone else from Y/n's class. Y/n stands up, noticeably suspicious. I just sit, listening to it all:

Aiko: "Y/n, over the time we've shared in class, I think I've developed feelings for you." She says, trying to sound shy, putting on a smile. Please don't fall for it! Please don't fall for it!

Y/n: "Well, Aiko, I'm sorry to burst your bubble but I'm not interested. I have feelings for-"

He was cut off by Aiko suddenly changing her look from that of a fake shy smile to one that looked far more sinister. Swaying side to side, she slowly walked towards Y/n in a seductive manner. My face turned red, in rage this time! I was about to get up and firmly tell her to back off. But then, she took things a step further leaning in to steal a kiss from Y/n. 

He dodged it! Y/n quickly stepped to the side, building some distance between them. Aiko wasn't so lucky as her kiss aimed for Y/n ended up colliding with the tree he was in front of earlier. I laugh for at least ages, only stopping when I'm out of breath. 

Once she leaves out of anger and embarrassment, we continue our lunch. Just before we part ways once again, he tells me something:

Y/n: "Don't worry, I'm not going to let anything like that happen. After all, I wouldn't ever let anyone I don't have feelings for even attempt something like that." He says, pride evident in his voice.

On my way back to class, I analyse what he said. He has feelings for me! What he did last night wasn't a mistake! I jump into the air, punching it with all of my might, earning a weird glare from the surrounding students. I think I'll give him another kiss later tonight.

Y/n's point of view:

School ends and I walk back with Nagisa and ask him something very important. I want to kiss him again, I want to kiss him for longer. I was in ecstasy all night yesterday due to one that lasted only a couple of seconds, imagine if it turns into a full make-out session! I blush just thinking about it.

Y/n: "Nagisa, once we get home and we finish revising for that test tomorrow, would you mind if we k-kiss again?" I ask, taking every ounce of courage I could muster. I was met with another one of his angelic smiles followed by a quick nod. However, there was something hiding in the endless aquamarine river of his eyes - lust.

We get home and get dressed into our nightly attire. Nagisa focuses on his revision while I start thinking about any abstract questions I might get. 2 hours pass. We take turns practising the piano, followed by a round or two of singing. 

After eating, we leave each other to our own devices until it was a decent time to go to bed. Nagisa goes to my bedroom and I follow him. Catching on in less than a second, he pulls me onto the bed with him, the both of us lying side by side, under the covers, making out intensely. I was addicted to the sweet flavour of his lips, while he holds me as tight as he possibly can, kissing me back while matching my intensity. We occasionally stop for air before continuing over and over again, until we just lay there, both of our hair ruined from holding onto each others heads, each stroking them. Saliva dripping from both our mouths, dropping onto our pyjama tops. We stay hugging for the rest of the night, before both reminding each other at the same time, one last time:

Y/n and Nagisa: "I... love... you..."

We fall asleep in each others arms, Nagisa snuggling his head between my head and chest, right into my neck.

Tomorrow is another day

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