Chapter Twenty

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- - - Back to present time (2 days after chapter 18) - - -

Nagisa's point of view:

I wake up excited knowing that its a weekend, wondering what Y/n has planned for us today. I attempt to walk out of his room to no avail. Y/n stops me and my excitement flies even higher... only for it to come crashing back down:

Y/n: "Sorry babe but we need to clean up a little. I'd appreciate some help cleaning our room since we both have our own stuff just scattered about." He says in a patient tone but my enthusiasm doesn't return.

Nagisa: "Fine..." I groan, becoming bored very quickly.

Don't get me wrong, I love Y/n. In a way I'm happy to do this with him. I guess he's spoiled me so much to the point where anything other than amazing comes off as a little stale... I'll have to work on that.

We spend half an hour tidying up, asking each other if they still need 'this' and 'that' and 'where should they go?'. I'm almost done with my area when I find something I hadn't expected to see in years; my old diary. I used to take it with me everywhere I go.

Nagisa: "Y/n, I found something... important to me, mind if I look through it quickly?" I ask hoping for a 'yes'.

Y/n: "Of course love, just sit on the bed and read it and I'll get the rest done. Thanks for the help!" He says sweetly.

I lay on the bed with the upper half of my back against the wall and begin looking through. My first entry was back when I was 6 years old. 'Time really flies by when you stop to think about it' I thought, then realising the instant irony of the situation. I could barely make out the handwriting but as I went further through, I got older and my writing got more legible. While reading I suddenly remember every situation as if it was yesterday. However, after some time I begin to feel a little guilty that I'm no longer helping Y/n. 

Oh crap! He's already finished in this room. I take a gamble and decide to read one last entry before I go and help him:

- - - - - - - - Entry Number Nineteen - - - - - - - - 

(Age: 11 and a half)

Dear diary, another school day has ended. Thank god. I really couldn't put up with those jerks in my class for much longer. The teachers are just as bad, but I won't bother you with the same old details (Thank me later, future me!). After school, I returned to mother and... actually, I think I'll just skip to the part where I leave the house.

30 minutes after getting home, I got dressed and left again. I went to the park to just relax, maybe place on a slide or two, as long as the guys from my school aren't there. Once I got there, I saw fighting, arguing and teasing. Most of the school bullies are there, so I stay near the outskirts of the park, hoping they don't notice me. I was actually looking forward to coming here but now I'm sad. Just another bang average day. 

Question for future me: Do things improve in the future?

Later, I saw a boy that I've never ever seen around here before. He looked around my age. He sat on one of the benches reading a book. This must mean he's smart. He's definitely... different from the usual guys I've seen. Like I said, most of them are jerks who just want to impress the girls by bullying others. They honestly confuse me. I take chance and walk up to him. Maybe he's not so bad.

I said hi a little nervously, which caused him to cut me of sharply and walk away. He had no distinct accent, almost posh! From what he said, I think he mistook me for one of the bullies. That's strange, do those guys bully him too? He didn't seem that bad, just a little paranoid, but to be honest I think I'd have done the same thing if someone randomly approached me. Then again, I'd calm down later and apologise. I believe in innocent until proven guilty. 

I spent another hour or so at the park and was about to leave but then I saw the same boy. He was back. Perhaps to apologise. I went over to him, only to notice that he was sad. Very sad. I know that look, something really bad must have happened. I did what I thought was right. I hugged him, telling him how they usually make people feel better. He smiles, which made me do the same in return. We could only talk very briefly but he seemed like a nice guy and even said thank you. 

After he left, I went home, where... lets skip that part as well. Anyway I hope to see him next time I go to the park. Maybe there are some nice people out there!

- - - - - - - - End - - - - - - - -

I don't know why, but this was one of my fondest memories, even though I remember being sad the next few days when I couldn't find him anymore. I guess you could say it made me feel normal despite my situation at home way back then.

I close the diary and place it on the shelf before going downstairs to help Y/n. Also, I wonder if he has any fond memories of the past. From what he told me, there weren't many.

We eventually clean up the entire apartment and rest for a little. I then ask him:

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