Chapter Four

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Y/n's point of view:

I wake up for yet another day, quickly getting my daily routine out of the way. I eat a smaller breakfast this time, just a cheese toastie accompanied with a blackberry smoothie. For today, I decide to go with a packed lunch to school, just to mix things up. 

As I was ready to leave the house, my mind went back to Nagisa. I like him, he's top of the school in the looks department and is very compassionate judging by the little conversation we had. 'Perhaps we could be friends?' I wondered. While I was walking around yesterday, I found a cafe far beyond the outskirts of the town. It's not an ideal area, but the cafe was really nice (on in inside, at least). Just goes to prove that you can't judge a book by its cover. I think I'll ask him if he would like to hang out after school.

I left the house and got to school with haste; I jogged there this time. I got into my classroom and sat at my desk, ready for my first lesson. 

First lesson ends after an hour and the second lesson is where things actually get interesting. We are having a chemistry quiz and it's a free-for-all! However, this causes my classmates to become far more cold towards one another. The quiz begins. After 50 minutes, I'm in the final round against the only other student left. 

Teacher: "Alright, final question, what is the definition of third ionisation ener-" he says sharply

Y/n: "The energy required to remove a third mole of electrons from a mole of atoms in the gaseous state!" I answer before he even has the chance to finish the question, crowning me as the winner and earning hate-filled stares from the rest of the class, before they get ready to leave. It's time for lunch. I slowly leave, looking for somewhere else to eat, instead of the noisy canteen. I think I found a pretty nice place - the garden.

As I get to the college garden, amazed by the beauty of it's emerald green plants and hedges, scattered with flowers glowing like little gems throughout. As I look for a nice spot to sit down, I hear a certain voice...

Nagisa's point of view:

After some incredibly boring lessons, it's now time for lunch. I found a nice spot for lunch within the mesmerising school garden. People rarely go there as its quite small compared to the main yard. I stood taken aback of the peaceful and elegant scenery before me. I sit, my back supported by a large tree and open my lunch box. 'This time, it won't get stolen' I thought, relieved. Then, I spot a familiar student. It's Y/n! I happily greet him and ask him if he would like to eat with me.

Y/n's point of view:

Nagisa: "Y/n, hi again!" "Since you're here, wanna eat lunch together?" He asks with a little bit of excitement in his voice.

Y/n: "Hello Nagisa, if it's okay then I'd be honoured to!" I reply, happy to see him too.

Nagisa: "This place is very calming, not to mention visually stunning! Is that why you're here too?" He asks, feeling comfortable around me.

Y/n: "Yep, I find it has quite a charming appeal." I say to him. I wasn't talking about the scenery, but I won't be telling him that anytime soon.

We postpone the conversation and start eating. I notice that he had very little food to eat. There's no way, despite his short height and thin body, that such little food is enough for him. I go to offer him something.

Y/n: "Hey, looks like I packed a little to much for myself. I have a spare tuna and cucumber sandwich if you'd like it." I say, encouraging him to take the offer. He thinks about it for a few minutes and accepts.

Nagisa: "Thanks." He replied, taking the sandwich with a slight blush on his cheeks, and another cute smile present on his face. "If you're wondering why I didn't have much with me, it's because I live on my own - I bought my own place. I teach piano to a couple of people who come over. I make just enough to pay rent but I always have very little left." He explains with a hint of sadness in his voice. So he plays the piano too? He's also pretty perceptive to know why I offered it. 'How on earth is this guy in the bottom class?' I ponder before responding.

Y/n: "Wow, so you play the piano too huh? Maybe we can do a duet sometime?" I say. Pure shock hits me like a truck as I realised what I just said.

Nagisa: "Hehe, yeah maybe..." He says with a similar sense of embarrassment.

Lunch ends, and we say our goodbyes, taking my chance to ask him what I prepared to since morning.

Nagisa: "It was nice having lunch with you Y/n, hope we can do it again sometime!" He says calmly and very cutely. I just manage to hold back a blush as I begin to respond.

Y/n: "You can count on it! Nothing better than having a nice lunch with a friend! Anyways, I was walking around the town yesterday and found a pretty nice cafe, would you like to hang out tomorrow since there's no college tomorrow ends and perhaps get something to eat there?" I ask, nervously. The prospect of hanging out with him throughout the weekends is something I am really looking forward to.

Nagisa: "Actually, I'd like that. It'd be nice to have something to do for once." He replies more happy than before (if possible) with a small but meaningful smile. There's something about that face that makes me feel warm and causes my heart to beat faster than usual. 'He keeps getting more and more adorable, I want to protect him' I say in my head. We exchange numbers

I then say goodbye to Nagisa, and get to my last few lessons a little early, with a satisfied expression on my face. I have a friend!

Eventually school ends and I go home and laze about for the rest of the day, after writing a note, reminding myself to pack a little more for my lunch tomorrow. 'I think I'll be having packed lunches more often.' I thought as I did some cleaning, and went to bed. 

Tomorrow is another day...

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