Chapter Five

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Y/n's point of view:

Ah, Saturday! Today's the day I get to hang out with my new friend, Nagisa! A warm feeling creeps upon me just thinking about it. I wake, leave my room and prepare a big breakfast. The smell of bacon sizzling brought life to the entire kitchen. I had bacon, eggs, tomatoes and baked beans. 'Delicious, somewhat healthy and very filling' I thought, satisfied.

Soon later, I hear a small ping from my phone. It was Nagisa.

'Sapphire Sweetheart': "Hi Y/n. Todays the day right? When and where do u want to meet?" 

I could tell from just one text that he's excited. I'm glad, I'm looking forward to this too.'

'Y/n': "How about in an hour, at the town centre?" 

'Sapphire Sweetheart': "Sounds good! Meet u there. I'm looking forward to it!"

'Y/n': "Likewise. Cya!"

'Sapphire Sweetheart': "Byeeee"

After showering, I thoroughly clean up the apartment. I spend twenty minutes practicing something on the piano. I guess you could say, it may come in handy later. I finally get dressed, putting on a black t-shirt and some dark blue jeans. I walk calmly to the town centre, excited for what the day brings.

A couple of minutes later, I see him approaching. He was wearing a baby blue t-shirt that perfectly matches his hair and eyes, and some grey sports trousers. I couldn't help but stare. This boy makes anything look hot. Not just cute but hot. I look away from him before a blush has the chance to appear. 

Nagisa: "Hello there!" He greets me, expecting a certain reply. I'm not falling for that trap. (If you know, you know)

Y/n: "Nice try, but I'm not falling for that. Glad to see you could make it though." I reply coolly. He pouts, but that just serves to make him cuter.

I took him to the cafe and we both enjoyed a slice of victoria sponge cake. I enjoyed mine with a cup of milk, while he had a cup of coffee with his. While he was eating, I noticed he was staring at the table, with an unreadable expression on his face. 'He must be thinking about something' I thought to myself. While he was thinking, I took the opportunity to become mesmerised by his aqua-blue eyes. Then, I-

Nagisa: "Y/n. I want to know something if that's alright with you." He said, still with that unreadable expression. It then changed to one that shows a subtle sadness when he asks again, not giving me time to answer the last question: "Of all the people in Mishima College, you chose to hang out with me. Why?" He asked, tensing up for some strange reason, as if he expects me to insult him or even hit him. 

Well, now I've really got my work cut out me. After a couple of seconds, I reply:

Y/n: "Nagisa... throughout my life, I have had many friends, however, they all used me without considering how I felt about certain matters. It was... quite depressing honestly. People pretending that they care about one another, when they are only looking out for themselves. So I promised myself a year or two back, that if I made friends with someone who is generous, caring and kind, I would help them in whatever way I can. In my opinion, that's what a true friend is about." I explain, in a supportive tone.

Tears start rolling down Nagisa's face, accompanied by the sweetest smile I've seen yet. My heart starts beating faster again, but I control myself.

Nagisa:  "Thank you Y/n, I'm glad you care about me, no one else has yet." He says, half-sobbing.

We both get up and leave the cafe in silence. I walk him to his apartment, the both of us blushing the entire time. Nervous tension fills the area. As I was about to break the silence, we finally reach his apartment and Nagisa beats me to it:

Nagisa: "Thanks for today Y/n. I had a lot of fun. I'm sorry if I killed the mood a little but I hope we can hang out more in the future. I hope we can stay friends." He says, the last part sounding more like a plea. Before I even had the chance to respond to that, he does something which shocks me.

With his face fully blushing, he hugs me. 

It takes every ounce of self control to not melt into it, showing how much I adore him. I just hug back and wave goodbye, walking back to me apartment.

Not caring about the time, I get changed and go straight to bed, a warm feeling spreading around me. Dozens of thoughts racing around my head, going crazy at the same time. I eventually stop at one : 'I already like him, don't I?' I think to myself before falling asleep.

Tomorrow is another day...

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