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A crisp winter breeze flew through Bishui plain, carrying golden leaves through fields of wild grass and weaving in and out of the deep branches of Wangshu Inn's grand tree. The inn echoed with the quiet clinking of cups and plates and the soft thump of dress shoes as they made their way to the front desk, where the owner, Verr Goldet, was signing documents with a purring cat.

"Mrs. Goldet, my shift is over now. I will be taking my leave," Feiya softly smiled, her dusky green eyes locking with the cat's yellow ones. She reached out her hand, but the feline receded into Verr Goldet's lap.

The woman looked up in a daze. "Oh! Yes, your shift is over for the day. Thank you, Feiya. My, what's the date? Is today payday?"

"Yes, I think so."

"Ah, okay. Ugh, sorry for being such a mess. Let's see. Your paycheck is..." Verr rummaged through her drawer and took out an envelope. "Here! Thank you again, Feiya." She beamed tiredly and rubbed her golden eyes, smearing her makeup. Feiya noticed hints of dark eye bags.

She smiled weakly. "No, thank you. I'll be one my way, now."

"Yes, have a good evening... Oh, wait! One more thing! Have you..." She blinked as if she had just woken up from a nap. "Oh, yes. Have you considered my offer?"

Feiya hesitantly nodded, fiddling with the hem of her dress. "I really do appreciate it, but I'm afraid I can't."

"Aw," Verr frowned. "It really is a shame, seeing such talent being enclosed. I understand that your mom had made it difficult for you, of course."

Feiya nodded and smiled more, clenching her fists. 'Stop speaking,' she thought.

'You don't understand and you never will.'

"Well, anyway! My offer will always be open, so don't be shy if you're interested. Have a nice day, Feiya."

"Goodbye, Mrs. Goldet," she replied sternly, her petty side refusing to let Goldet get away with that. She trudged to the staff room hidden at the bottom level of the building and went inside a changing room.

"It's fine. Mrs. Goldet doesn't mean anything," she muttered as she switched out of her uniform. "It's okay. She just wants to help. It's okay."

It's okay.

She touched the vision inside her tunic's pocket, the cryo energy chilling her fingers. About a month ago, holding onto the vision would slightly numb her hand, but now, it was only cooling down her palms. And long before, the vision was strong enough to give her frostbite.

The vision was losing energy. And it scared her.

And along with that lost energy, seemed to be the memories of her mother. She couldn't find them. Even when she tried so hard to find them.

Feiya shook her head and undid her bun, clumps of grey hair falling out. Her hair used to be black, but those days were long gone.

'Disappointing,' she thought as she left the inn. 'How could I forget things like that?'

She slowly made her way home and looked up at the sky, wondering when the stars would wake. She shook her head again, snapping out of her mindlessness, and trudged home.

'It seems I must go see her tonight to refresh.'

Short but ehhhhhhhhhh it's fineeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... Heh.

Fr tho it's been so long since I've written stories. I'm trying to get back into the groove so please accept these 559 words of crap fafasdfasdf

Thanks for reading :)

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