Chapter 5

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Realizing who he was, Feiya bowed at the figure. She could hear quiet footsteps approach her. "Get up and do not fake smile at me. What are you doing in the middle of the night?" The voice growled.

Feiya stood while dropping her smile. If the girl were to be honest, she didn't even realize she put one on. The adeptus felt the tiniest  shiver go down his spine when he saw her cold, emotionless eyes. Despite their beautiful light green color, they showed the dull, tragic life she endured. 

The adepts was rare to take interest in a mortal. Yet he strangely felt connected to this human being.

"I couldn't sleep, so I decided to take a stroll," Feiya answered calmly, a breeze making her grey hair flow. The adeptus observed her, how she didn't tremble nor stare in awe. Perhaps she was doing the same as Xiao, observing. Though one would never tell from merely looking at her eyes. She was most definitely different. 

All was silent. It was just Feiya and the adeptus under the light of the full moon. "I simply can not buy your statement," the adeptus said harshly. "If you couldn't sleep, then you would have come out way before now."

Feiya nodded calmly. She wouldn't feel mad just yet. "Very true, Vigilant Yaksha, but when you wake up and can't fall asleep when having a dream, your words would be false."

The adeptus, taken aback from her audacity to claim him wrong, folded his arms and glared at her with amber eyes. "You neither think nor act like a human. Just who are you?"

Feiya remained calm and smiled at his words. She didn't fear a death caused by the Yaksha. It would just mean that she had sinned, and never fixed it. "Alas, here I am, a human."

"Don't fake smile at me."

Her smile dropped once again.

"Highly suspicious," the adeptus muttered to himself. He looked at the girl while summoning his jade spear. "Remember that you were executed by Vigilant Yaksha Xiao, Conqueror of Demons, due to your suspicious behavior that may lead to a threat for Liyue."

To Xiao's surprise, she simply nodded your head mindlessly and kneeled at him, waiting for execution. "So you admit huh?" He held his spear right next to your neck. He could feel that the girl's heartbeat was calm. 


Xiao shrugged it off. "Any last words?"

Feiya didn't hesitate to answer. "Everything happens for a reason." she stated calmly, her silky hair flowing everywhere as a breeze came. "Those were the last words my mother ever spoke to me." She dared to look up at him, smiling. Xiao was about to sneer, but realized this smile was sincere. A small smile pitying herself and her mother. Her pale green eyes shone with sadness. "So, that must mean I had done something wrong for you to have to execute me, yes? It is an honor." She bowed her head again.

Xiao stood there, speechless. Her mother had died on her. The foolish human was clinging on to useless words ever so desperately, cherishing them. The only worth in them was the fact that they came from her mother.

In other words, perhaps she was alone. To the point where a quote was now her best friend. She was alone.

He moved his spear away from her neck, though Feiya didn't move at all. "Actually, I was going to execute you only because you looked suspicious..." He muttered.

'No, kill her. That is a mere excuse.Stop being selfish. You signed a contract. Don't.'

"Is that so?" Feiya still did not move.

Xiao raised an eyebrow. "That means I'm letting you live, idiot."

"Is that so?" She repeated. She stood up and smiled at Xiao. "Thank you for sparing me." Feiya bowed at Xiao and then walked away towards the inn.

The words she told the adeptus, of being okay with dying from his spear. Were they really true? Or was it because of the string inside her, yearning to form a bow with the man? 

Yearning to form a bond.

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