Chapter 27

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 Albedo stared at the notes he had written down. He had promised he would have thought of a way to help Feiya before she came back from her walk, but with no experience in this type of thing, what was he to do?

Albedo sighed and stared into the flames of a torch, the fire blazing furiously. "Sucrose," he called. "Do you mind helping me?"

"O-Of course, Master Albedo!" The pale green haired girl, who was preparing more soup, rushed to her mentor's side. She sat on the couch next to the blonde's stool and nervously pushed up her glasses. "What would you like me to help you with?"

"I told Feiya I would help her with her difficulties, and yet I can't find a way to effectively help her. I was hoping for you to discuss this with me."

"Of course I will! Um... I suppose, to help somebody, we would need to use a method that can match their personality, like if Klee was sad, we would cheer her up by playing with her or convincing Jean to let her out of the confinement room..."

"Yes, I thought that too. So, what is-"

"A-Ah! Of course you thought of that! I'm so sorry for sounding like you didn't know! I-"

"Sucrose, I'm not mad, you did nothing wrong," Albedo reassured while chuckling.


"Mmm, so what kind of personality does Feiya have?"

"She certainly is thoughtful. Since she mentioned not telling her friends, I guess she's quite personal. She is probably kind, considering how she didn't want to bother her friends with any of her problems..." Sucrose muttered with furrowed eyebrows, scratching her head. Her ears twitched slightly as she thought, and Albedo silently admired her cuteness.

"Ah!" She suddenly looked up at Albedo, a bright shine in her amber eyes. "She mentioned using her mother's last words as a guide on how to live her life, like using a philosophy. And she followed her mother's words for such a long time... What if she made her own philosophies? To figure out how she wants to live her life without any worries or feeling guilty or..." She stopped and looked shyly at her lap. "I-I'm sorry, it's probably a weird idea, and it doesn't really make any sense..."

"You think so? I liked it."

She looked up with a hopeful expression. "Y-You did? Then maybe we could try it!"

"We certainly shall," Albedo confirmed. "Though I have a small little detail to tweak. We will have her make a philosophy for Xiao."

Sucrose blinked. "For Xiao?"

Albedo nodded. "For Xiao. When she was talking, she mentioned being guilty of knowing Xiao had a bad experience in the past, yet not acting to help him. And feeling confused as whether she was being his friend for herself or for him. I suppose she also feels ashamed of not doing anything for him while Xiao has been quite generous with her, so this can act as a way to make it up to him. That way, perhaps she will feel a burden come off her shoulders, and figure out the next step for her. We can't help her all the way, after all," he concluded. Albedo tilted his head and looked at Sucrose, who was listening attentively. "Well, what do you say?"

"Master Albedo... Is so wise. It's a brilliant idea!" She exclaimed with stars in her eyes.

"Thank you, but it's nothing to praise. Now that we have that sorted out, you still have soup on the stove."

"Soup?" She echoed with a confused expression. Then she gasped and flinged herself off the couch to run towards a corner. "The soup! I forgot! I hope it's still okay!" She yelled as she ran.

Albedo chuckled at her, and then wrote down his idea into his notepad. "I hope this will work," he muttered to himself. He tucked the pad into his coat's pocket and got up from his stool to help Sucrose.

I feel like I'm not conveying Albedo's smartness/brains well enough ahhhhhhhhhhh

Sucrose was really fun to write out though, I really like her SHE'S SO CUTE

Do any of you ship Albedo and Sucrose? (Because I do ahah)

My brain regrets making such an abstract solution for Feiya because now I have to make up a whole hecking philosophy and I'm not smart enough to make a good one ;-; I'm gonna need to take lil bits of other philosophies and stuff in order to make a presentable one. But would that count as copyright?


(Also I had a dream where Mihoyo added this big Axolotl boss into Genshin that dropped loach pearls and was really really hard to beat)

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