Chapter 15

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He was standing in the middle of the battlegrounds, covered with blood, panting. All soldiers around him were on the ground. The grass was smeared with blood that night, and trees burned down. Xiao watched it all from a distance.

The adeptus grit his teeth and shook his head, trying to shake the memories away. He continued to jump from hill to hill, tree to tree, until he found a beast. Its big red eyes glared at everything around it, withering all plants surrounding the bulky body. A black aura could be seen emitted from the dangerous creature.

Xiao jumped down from his tree and did a plunge attack at the monster. His gleaming spear jabbed through its hard outer shell and into the creature's back, making it roar in pain. He jumped back to a safe distance as the monster was about to shake its massive, hard tail. The demon turned to face Xiao, its eyes gleaming with anger. He bellowed into the sky and charged at Xiao.

A Fatui troop spotted Xiao watching the fight and cried a battle cry before charging straight at him.

Xiao stopped his thoughts and focused on the fight. He calmly watched the creature stampede towards him and then dodged just as it was about to hit him, causing the creature to turn its head in confusion, wondering where the man had gone. Xiao took this chance and climbed to the top of the beast's head. The cyan haired man jabbed his spear into one of the beast's massive eyes, causing the creature to roar in pain and whip its head from side to side.

Xiao easily defeated the attacker, but his attention immediately came back to the man in the center, who was howling in pain. His arms were impaled with two spears on each arm. Yet he still glared at the ones surrounding him. Xiao snapped out of it again. Focus.

He jumped to the side, then leaped again to slash the other eye. The creature noticed and slashed its tail at him. The skilled adeptus jumped onto the tail instead, and cut its tip off mid-air. The beast bellowed again and turned to face where its back had faced, ready to chomp into Xiao. Of course, Xiao jabbed the other eye just as it was about to turn around. And that ended the battle. The adeptus gracefully landed onto the ground, the beast disintegrating behind him.

Xiao's body then moved on its own. He jumped to the man's side, killing any man who dared come closer. The troops fled. Xiao looked at him, looked at the blood-soaked man. The man was smiling. "It's my first loss in battle," he had said.

The injured man somehow had enough strength to bow in front of Xiao. "Thank you for saving me, Vigilant Yaksha. My name is Shouhei, a general of the Qixing."

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