Chapter 29

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 Feiya brushed the hair away from her squinting eyes as she trudged along in the snow, Xiao a few steps ahead of her. The cold wind slapped her face, and snowflakes nuzzled into her hair. The weather had suddenly become fiercer than before, making Feiya shiver despite her cryo vision.

The shaking girl looked up at Xiao, who seemed unaffected. "H-How are you not freezing? You have a sleeveless shirt, yet you do not seem cold."

The adeptus glanced behind his shoulder. "You look amusing when you are cold."

"That was not very nice. Anyway, you have not answered my question yet."

Xiao looked back towards the front and refused to reply. He would hate to admit that he, Xiao, the Vigilant Yaksha, Conqueror of Demons, had a numb nose.

Feiya raised an eyebrow, then raised her shaking hand to brush her bangs out of the way again. "If you do not reply, I shall take that as you are cold," she yelled against the sudden gush of wind.

A small tick mark appeared on Xiao's forehead. "Perhaps I am just a little. Must have been from eating snow."

"What a convincing excuse- oof!"

Feiya toppled over, her body making a dent in the snow. She glared at the amber eyes looking down at her. His gloved hand reached over in front of her.

"How rude! Pushing a woman just because they were keen enough to realize your weakness! Hmph!" Feiya exclaimed while accepting Xiao's hand to get up. Just as she was stable in the snow she shoved his shoulders back, making him land into the cold, powdery substance.

"I would laugh, but you were going easy on me," Feiya stated. She attempted to brush off all the snow sticking to her coat, though her fingers grew numb and went into her pockets. The grey haired one sighed. "I must look like such a mess."

Xiao stared at her before getting up, chunks of snow sitting in his dark cyan hair. "To think a mortal would be so bold that they would refrain from helping an adeptus."

Feiya grunted and glanced at Xiao, but then stared at him instead, her green eyes observing him.

"What?" He growled impatiently.

Suddenly Feiya started giggling. "You look so pretty with snow in your hair," she chuckled. "It is a shame I do not have a kamera, then perhaps I could give Lumine a picture the next time I see her. Why, she would be delighted!"

"Let us see you try," Xiao threatened with an eerie expression. He summoned his jade spear in one hand and slowly stepped towards Feiya, who backed away immediately.

"Well, shall we go back to Albedo and the green haired one now? What was her name? Ah yes, Sucrose!" She cheered, trying to change the subject. "I wonder if they will allow me to use their cooking area, I could really use a bowl of hot soup with noodles. Oh! Is that it over there?" She asked, pointing. "Oh, thank goodness it's not far, my legs are giving out."

"Do not get sick again," Xiao snapped, making Feiya jump. She looked at him dumbfounded. "Last time your legs gave out, you..." the adeptus didn't need to finish his sentence.

"Oh, yes, that worried you did it not? I apologize, I shall be more careful. Though the reason I gave out is completely different to why I might right now-"

"Do not let your legs give out," Xiao cut in.

Feiya sighed. "Yes, yes, of course." She grabbed his hand and ran towards Albedo's camp. "My legs have enough energy to get over there, so hurry. Before I freeze to my death-"

"Do not freeze to your death."

Feiya stopped and looked at Xiao's serious face. She smiled lightly. "Thank you for being concerned about me." She tugged him once again. "Now come on, I just realized how hungry I am."

Help help help nothing happened in this chapter which means I might be getting close to writer's block and Feiya's personality is so two-sided that I wonder if her cheerful side is staying somewhat the same throughout the book and Xiao was so quiet this whole chapter and ahhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'm going to love editing all my chapters.

I wonder how many chapters I'm going to use to stall for that dreaded day...

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