Chapter 11

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"Since Liyue's psychology is not quite advanced and understanding the brain is still a little bit out of reach, we don't have a proper diagnosis of what mental illness you have. We can only say that your brain is being too clingy to the past, and that may be caused by little interaction from surrounding people, or thinking too much about the past, or because your brain is not willing to move forward. Are these assumptions correct?" Baizhu asked. It was now after the appointment, and Baizhu was telling Xiao and Feiya his predictions.

Xiao looked at Feiya with an expression that read: "answer him."

"Well, the only person I really interacted with was Verr, and I guess I thought a lot about my childhood... More than about the present or the future. I think, since I didn't speak to many people, I felt a little lonely, so I started thinking in my head often for company. But without other people suggesting different topics, my mind kept drifting to... scarring events. And maybe that's why I'm so clingy to a particular phrase..." Feiya murmured.

Baizhu nodded thoughtfully. "That seems reasonable. If that's the case, then I would suggest making more friends. Finding more people that you are comfortable with. Like maybe this fellow Xiao." Baizhu smiled at them both before handing Feiya a glass bottle with an ointment in it. "Your shoulder will be fully healed in about a week. Make sure you will replace the bandage once a day, along with rubbing on the lotion before applying a new bandage. If you don't have any, a cloth or a towel tied onto there can act as a substitute. As for your mental problems, I have already addressed my thoughts, but if you would like to dive a bit deeper, you may want to visit Albedo from Monstadt, the Knights of Favonius' Chief Alchemist or something, his title is a bit hard to remember.

"Albedo is known for wanting to understand the 'essence of life', though it may have changed a bit, considering it's a rumor, and Liyue to Monstadt is quite far. Anyways, Albedo should have better knowledge about mental issues, since the brain probably has to do with life. Not to mention he should have studied it, since rumors say he knows how to test intelligence, they say he tested the Honorary Knight of Favonius on it. The rest is up to you though. Oh, and before you go, if your burn doesn't get better after about 3 days of treatment, come back so we can check it. And that concludes this appointment."

"Thank you so much, goodbye," Feiya said politely. She and Xiao got up from their seats ready to leave. Xiao shook Baizhu's hand while Feiya smiled at him before the both of them got up and left the pharmacy.

"I told you not to fake smile," Xiao growled. "If you don't want to, then don't."

"And why does that matter?"

"Faking your emotions isn't very healthy."


"Let me pick you up so I can drop you off at Wangshu."


After about twenty minutes they landed on the inn's roof with a thunk. Feiya was dropped from Xiao's arms and she was about to go find Verr when Xiao grabbed her hand.

"Hm? What now?" Feiya asked, her eyes dull with annoyance.

"I want to apologize. For being impatient. And acting... cold and harsh, as you had said," Xiao said. He then let go of her hand. "It was wrong of me," he muttered, looking away.

Feiya studied him. He seems sincere, she thought. "I apologize as well, for yelling and fake smiling at you. I am surprised you remembered my scolding. Sorry for that, Vigilant Yaksha."

Xiao looked at her again, and was about to say something until he saw her smile. A real smile. A smile that showed sincerity and kindness. A smile showing she was happy.

The adeptus said three words before disappearing.

"Call me Xiao."


Why hello kind stranger

I just want to say thanks for reading this fanfic because we got a heckin 100 reads! :DDD

I never imagined for anyone to read mah book anyway since it was just for to have something to do, but all the anonymous people here who are enjoying this are giving me lots of motivation, thank you so much :)

Thank you for tolerating me kind stranger

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