Not Chapter 21

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A little behind on stuff and can't post the chapter today, so here's this behind the scenes thingy I made for the day I get off schedule :')

Very sorry, enjoy tho!

It was a few hours before noon, Feiya, and Xiao were rehearsing over and over. The background was the starry night where Feiya cried by the pond.

"Alright!" Snow shouted across the room. She stepped to the front of the room, inspecting everyone's locations. "Places, everyone! We're gonna go again! Feiya, a little more to the left. More... More... 'Kay, better. Fred, lights more towards the back, we wanna make it look like the moon's shining. Xiao, remember, you come in from over there, okay?" The crew scurried around as the girl commanded them. "Is everybody ready?" She yelled, earning thumbs ups from everyone. "Alright! Ready, set, action!"

The scene started with Feiya silently weeping at the pond, seemingly lost in thought. Snow, who was seated in her chair, then looked at Xiao and nodded, signaling for him to appear. Xiao went to his designated place with a look of surprise and concern, then asked, "Feiya? What are you doing here at this hour?"

Feiya whipped her head around, and Xiao reacted with his eyes widening a bit. Just as he was about to say his next line, a large 'thump' could be heard from the distance, causing everyone to freeze.

Snow angrily stood up. "Cut! Cut! That roll was interrupted! Cameras, off!" She yelled. "Ugh! I swear if it's Snowie again!" the mad girl pointed a finger at Xiao and Feiya. "You two! Read your lines again while I deal with a certain problem bunny!" She then stomped away towards a storage room, muttering about no treats for a week. Feiya sweatdropped. "She should be less harsh on Snowie..." Xiao grunted and went to find the script. "I despise rabbits for real now," he muttered.

A few minutes later Snow reappeared with small claw marks all over her and a small white bunny hopping alongside her leg. She looked at George. "George! You there with the watch! What time is it?"

"Eleven fifty-seven, ma'am."

Snow grabbed her hair in frustration. "Ugh! That took longer than I thought. Rehearsal's dismissed, I guess. Go have lunch, I'll see you all at two." She then smiled evilly at Snowie, to which the rabbit glared up at her. "That darn rabbit, cutting our time short."

"Perhaps you should go a little easier on him, maybe he just wanted some attention. You are always so busy, Snowie rarely gets to spend memorable time with you," Feiya suggested while grabbing her bag. The rabbit nodded furiously at her.

"Oh? So he's bored? We just need to give him something to do, then. Ah! That's right! Let's see if any casts are in need of a bunny! That'll keep him busy for sure. Maybe they'll even make him learn some commands, which makes it easier for me." She murmured. Snow then looked up, stars in her eyes.

"That's it! Snowie's gonna be auditioning for different casts!" She bent down to pick up Snowie, who tried to leave her arms immediately. "My cute lil Snowie boy's gonna be an actor! Look at you, growing up so quickly! What a good, good boy," she cooed, snuggling the white fuzzball close to her. The rabbit, on the other hand, had his eyes glued on a stunned Feiya, as if saying, 'Save me from this crazy woman.'

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