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Lisa's Apartment

"So all of those weird things from him have been going on for quite some time now?" I asked, as I laid down the bowl of chocolates on the center table and sat down beside her on the couch. We just finished having dinner and just chilling in her living room with her favorite vinyl playing in the background.

She nodded as she was drinking water. She placed the glass down and responded, "it worsened as time went on. I think he was planning for harassment tonight since he readily told me everything he did. Oh god, I really don't know why these things happen to me"

I don't even want to think about what could've happened if I didn't come tonight. I swear to everything holy, that man will pay for it.

 I move a bit to face her and hold her hands in mine. "I'm very sorry, Lali. I'll make sure that guy won't even consider thinking about you " 

I was surprised when she shook her head, "Thank you but you've done enough already. I don't want to bother you with my issues as well." 

I was about to protest against that, when she held my hand instead, "besides, you recorded his confessions, right?"

 "Yea, I did for the most part. How do you plan to push through with this?"

 She adjusted a bit to face me better as she contemplated for a while, "well, that would be proof of his harassments already, I hope. Alexander said we just need a piece of strong evidence to push him to back down so there won't be any lawsuits needed." 

"So you'd blackmail him with it first then if he still denies then you push through with the lawsuit?" 

I asked, to which she nodded in response. It was honestly wise. He'd lose either way because the evidence is quite strong. 

Hold up. "You said Alexander? He was a lawyer?" 

She nodded once again, "I had to meet him in New York because things got really bad already and he was the closest one I know who could help me with this." 

Jesus Christ, I'm so stupid. I could only drop my head low and sigh, "Oh god, I'm very sorry Lisa"

 Her light giggle made me look up again, "Stop apologizing already. You had no idea. If anything, I should apologize too for not explaining why I had to see him that night. I just don't want you to worry about my issues." She was looking down as she said that, making me feel even worse.

 "Hey, hey, look at me." 

She looked at me again, "You have nothing to apologize for, okay? It's completely up to you to choose the things you'd want to share with me and I respect that. But I hope you won't think that I will be bothered by your issues. I care about you, Lisa, a whole lot. There's no way your concerns will ever be a bother to me." 

She had this small pout while listening to me as I continued, "I just... I don't want you to think that you could not talk to me about certain things. Whatever it is, I will always be interested in it. You don't have to worry about bothering me or taking so much of my time or whatever that is, because I chose this.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2022 ⏰

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