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YG Practice Room

It was more or less than two weeks before our private stage. We've been mostly kept at the company almost the entire day everyday ever since the short holiday break, going through rehearsals after rehearsals.

My own schedule for January and February is crazier than ever, learning choreographies one after the other while mastering the routines with the group and my own solo stage for the concert. It truly is exhausting and may take a toll on me at some point later on but I'll be fine. I haven't had this much opportunities to perform and do what I love doing ever since debut and I'm not gonna mess this up just because of some body pains. These are lowkey like my small clapbacks to those who love to hate me, to show them that I deserve to be where I am now.

At the moment, we were practicing the routine for our Crazy Over You stage when one of our bosses in YG came in followed by an unknown older man in a formal suit. He had this creepy crooked smile on. I hope this is not what I think this is.

We immediately had to stop and greeted them with a respectful bow. We stood in a safe distance in front of them and officially greeted them as a group.

"This is a good friend of mine, Mr. Kim, and he requested to see you girls because he's a huge fan" our boss introduced him.

good friend, my ass. aghhh I thought we were way past all these. But of course we couldn't say anything so all we did was act surprised and grateful that we got this rich-ass fan, smiling and all that.

"I'm very pleased to finally meet you girls" He then went to shake hands with each of us and addressing us individually, still with his crooked smile on.

I was smiling respectfully at him when it was my turn to shake his hand. He gripped my hand quite tighter than I expected and I even felt his thumb caress my hand.

oohh-kayy. this is getting uncomfortable.

Thank god he finally let go of my hand and proceeded to shake Rosie's. I subtly looked at my unnies to see if they were also as uncomfortable as I was but they both had their guarded face on. I know that look coz at this point, we've all mastered how we show ourselves in front of people.

Our smiling YG boss spoke again after all that, "Girls, he has actually been a great fan that he bought all of your albums since debut. He specifically looked forward to meet you all today, especially you Lisa"

agh please no.

My members then acted all giddy and I was honestly surprised but I had to act that I liked it. Then I simply bowed at him to thank him. That's all I could say do anyway.

Both of them laughed at me, talking about how cute I was when I'm shy. tsss men really can't help but assert their dominance every chance they get. pathetic.

"Your talent is outstanding, Ms. Lisa. Add to that, you are also really pretty and attractive. I'm sure all of your fans agree with me as well. "

if only I could roll my eyes at him.

"Oh no, no sir. I will work harder sir" I bowed once more after saying that. That was all I could ever say in situations like that. They laughed so we had to join in and laugh with them too.

ugh I'm tired of this. Can they just leave already?

"well, we won't waste any more of your precious time girls. I know you still have to practice hard for your online concert." Mr. Kim said.

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