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the next morning...

I squinted my eyes, adjusting to the morning light. I noticed firsthand that there was a different fragrance around the room. I looked around and noticed that I was indeed not in my room!

I looked down on my clothes and saw that I was still wearing what I wore last night.

last night... OH NO.. please don't tell me I am where I think I am.

I noticed a stack of clothes and stuffs on the chair of the desk beside the bed with a note on it. I fixed the bed before I checked what it was.

'These are my clothes but they're smaller now so I hope you don't mind. And um this is a new set of underwear from Hoseok hyung's sister. Before you ask, she willingly dropped that earlier this morning when she knew we had a lady guest. The toothbrush and skin care stuffs in the restroom are all new so please feel free to use them.'

Wow, they treat their guests really well. 

I went on to wash up and change. After finishing up, I checked myself in the mirror and thought I looked quite okay already. I checked my phone only to be bombarded with messages by Mark oppa, Manager oppa, some Thai friends back home and Rosie.

I took my time to reply to all of them while letting my hair dry for a while. I'll talk to them as soon as I get home.

Once I was done packing up my stuffs in a small paper bag I found in the room, I took one last look at the mirror, released a huge breath, smiled and headed out.

The first thing I noticed was that I was at the second floor of this mansion they call dorm. Damn they're loaded alright

I looked around for some sign of anyone but there was none so far. I headed down the staircase and heard voices from the kitchen.

"Oh Lisa's awake! Good morning!"

It was Hoseok oppa! He walked towards the base of the stairs and waited for me, side hugging me lightly as soon as we were close enough.

"woah! hyung I didn't know you were that close with her" I'm pretty sure this was the Taehyung hyung that Jungkook kept on mentioning. All 6 of them were gathered over some pancakes, cereal, coffee and some bagels.

"Hi, I'm Taehyung" He extended his arms with a cute box smile on his face. I shyly shook it, introducing myself as well.

"Taehyung, let her breath. Miss Lisa, come have brunch with us"

brunch? what time is it?

I looked around and thankfully there was a clock in their kitchen. It's 11 fucking 30 a.m!!!

I lowkey panicked, not knowing how to turn them down, "um I don't want to be a bother any further. I'm sorry for barging in your tip- I mean house last night umm also thank you for letting me stay the sweat- I mean night.." fuck even my korean is not cooperating with me right now.

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