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October 2020, SBS Station

But we're looking for love ~~

"2.. 3.. CUT!" The directing PD loudly announced, wrapping up our final promotion stage at SBS Inkigayo. Loud applause from the small crowd of staff gathered at the broadcasting station can be heard as we break free from our still stances and bow repetitively as we express our utmost appreciation to the PDs and cameramen..

"Thank you for all your hardwork everyone"

We headed down to our designated dressing room with mixed congratulatory and grateful greetings from staffs to co-idols along the way. I can't seem to keep the smile off my face. I'm just really grateful we were able to finish our first full album promotions in good health and safe disposition.

As I opened the door to our dressing room, we were greeted by even louder applause and cheers from our hardworking YG staff, from hair and makeup artists to managers, who were with us from the very start of this hectic promotions era. I can't help but feel overwhelmed by all this support, my eyes are starting to feel the hot with unshed tears. I looked at my members and they were all teary-eyed as well.

Two of our managers came out from the corners of the gathered bunch and approached us while not-so-subtly hiding two bouquets of different flowers at their backs. They then handed out a bouquet of sunflowers for me, red roses for Rosie, yellow and orange tulips for Jennie unnie and beautiful purple peonies for Jisoo unnie.

"Ooohh oppa, you're looking extra handsome today ", teasing my personal manager as he distributes the flowers with a shy smile on his face. This squeezed out more laughter across the rooms. We went on and thanked them all individually with hugs and giggles, even my manager who was not used to such contact with me was blushing furiously.

We went out of the room to take photos at different "photoshoot" areas at the hallways of SBS, from group photos (with the staff and dancers) to individual photos that will surely end up in our personal IG accounts. Well, for me.. I'm not quite sure yet. It has been quite toxic recently so I'm trying to stay out of it.

I was busy taking photos of my members using my film camera when I saw someone, at the corner of my perspective, furiously waving. Wait, is he waving at me?

Even with my contacts on, I still had to squint my eyes in a lame attempt of trying to make out who he was. Jisoo unnie, probably curious about this person who distracted her photographer, turned around and snorted. She rolled her eyes and looked back at me as she said,

"You can stop that weird face already, the kid's coming this way."

Ah so it must be one of my 97 liner friends.

Jisoo unnie makes it seem like we're a decade younger than her everytime she calls us kids. She must've gotten used to it since she basically treats me and Rosie like her real little sisters. Or she just really thinks anyone born after her are "kids", I don't really know anymore. Jisoo unnie is quite something with the way she thinks.

I was brought back from my thoughts by an attractive young man just slightly taller than me smiling and waving his hands in front of my face like an idiot.

"Lisa, I was just walking towards you and you're daydreaming about me already? Sorry Lis, can't help my oozing charms" he said as he arrogantly swept his hair back and posed as if he was on a freaking magazine photoshoot. Ugh, can someone collect this guy and take him away from me right now.

I rolled my eyes and smacked him lightly on his upper arm. "Yeah right, they call it Law of Attraction, Chan. Who knows, you may actually be hot and charming soon..." with a dramatic wink as I added, "or not"

The leader of Stray Kids faked a hurt facial expression with his left hand on his chest and said, "I can't believe I came here to support you and I get nothing but bitter insults" dramatically emphasizing on the last two words while eyeing me up and down as if he was a drama queen on a soap opera. Jesus, how extra can this guy get.

This made me burst into laughter and he just laughed with me. After I managed to collect myself, I asked him about his actual reason for coming here. He was casually dressed with his black ripped jeans and black hoodie so I doubt he had a schedule here. Besides, he did mention a while back that their promotions have ended.

"I had to give something to some staff here, just ran an errand of some sort, and thought I should at least stop by since it's your last stage and all". I was honestly quite amazed by his thoughtfulness though. I visibly 'ooh'ed, showing a teasing glint as I tried to really see through his eyes. We have become really good friends through Bambam and I'm quite confident that I know him enough to know if he's lying or not.

He just laughed it off and came closer to hug me as he added, "Congratulations by the way, you girls did really well". I genuinely smiled at this and hugged him back as well.

"Thank you, Chan. I think this is long delayed but congratulations on finishing Back Door too, it was really cool", I said while I tried imitate his parts of the song making the both of us laugh.

Jisoo unnie came and told me that we had to start changing out of our stage outfits and eventually leave the building as soon as possible. Chan, being the gentleman that he is, congratulated unnie too. 

"Thank you kid, although I have to warn you next time not to disturb my photographer when she is working" in a jokingly threatening manner. She was so cute trying to look scary. I met Chan's eyes, shrugged and we looked back at Jisoo unnie laughing at her. She just dismissively shook her head and laughed with us as well.

But we really had to go change already so we said our goodbyes and parted. Apparently he was just waiting for our stage so he left the building after our encounter while we returned to the dressing room.

It was already quite dark outside when we left the building. Our managers are driving us to our dorms to leave our stuffs and freshen up before we head to the dinner. We usually have these celebratory dinners after every promotion, prepared and financed by the company for us and for all the staff.

I finally opened my phone after all that ruckus that happened today. I was greeted by a lot of congratulatory greetings from my friends, both in the industry and in Thailand. Those in the industry like Sorn, Minnie, Mark and Jackson (to name a few) probably knew about it already, I mean, with all their schedules in the broadcasting stations easily known among the different groups. Those in Thailand probably saw the stage already. I glanced at the busy person to my right finishing up the caption for her IG post and considered that my friends who are lowkey blinks must've knew about it from my members' posts as well.

I gratefully replied to all of them. I may not have a huge circle of friends who are tight with me but I am always thankful to have this kind of constant support from other people aside from my members and family.

As for my own IG posts, I would probably post tomorrow or some time next week. For now, I thought I should at least take my well-needed nap. The drive is gonna take a while anyway.

As I was about to drift off when my phone dinged announcing a new message. Begrudgingly, I opened it, only to turn off my phone altogether.

I'll deal with him later.

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