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March 26, Apartment

I was just about to hang my negatives on its drying area in my dark room when I heard my phone ring from my back pocket. I still had my gloves on so I quickly hung it, run over it to remove excess liquid, took off my gloves and retrieved my phone.

Without recognizing who it was from, I immediately placed it on speaker mode since I was still cleaning the area.

Freaking finally!

I frowned. "Yah! what's with the attitude? I didn't make you wait that long!" this bish be mad when I was the one who was disturbed from my work

I heard him release a big sigh, okay, sorry. Just... please tell me you're at your apartment right now.

I momentarily stopped cleaning up, "uhh yea I am"

Great! Please open the door, I've been out here knocking for a good 10 minutes now.

why is he here?

I quickly rushed out of the dark room, drying my hands on my pajamas. I opened the door that revealed Jungkook in his black fluffy hoodie with a big brown paper bag on his hand.

He looked tired. I somehow felt bad for yelling at him.

"I'm sorry. Come in"

He left his shoes by the door and went in. He placed his brown paper bag on the center table and settled himself in my couch.

He looks worse from when I last saw him at the shoot. We were still in constant communication though. He even sent me and the staff for my photoshoot some lunch one time just coz I jokingly complained to him that they were starving me. They weren't, okay? I was just getting back at him for bragging to me his delicious meal at that time. I didn't know he would feel bad!

He easily communicated with my manager to make that happen. I had to tell the staff that I was kinda surprising them and all that. heck who am I kidding? I too was even surprised wth

I peaked into the paper bag asking him, "what are you here for? You look like you're sick"

wait he isn't sick, right?

I immediately sat beside him, laying the back of my hand on his forehead. He's burning hot!

"You're sick! why did you even come here! you should be resting, Jungkook!"

"Isn't it your birthday tomorrow?"

"hold on, what day is it today again?" I took my phone and checked it, "damn its march 26 already? anyway yea but it's just my birthday. you could just simply greet me tomorrow"

Grow As We Go Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ