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August 22, Outskirts of Seoul

Nice... no one's here, like always.

I parked my car before I hopped out to my favorite spot.  It has the best view at night, the entire city lights splayed beautifully in front of me.

We just finished our promotions for Permission to Dance so we had lesser schedules now. It has been the most hectic first half of the year ever. I can't be more grateful for it tho because other than the satisfaction of progress and utmost productivity, I had a reason to reject the date set-up by Taehyung hyung. I actually considered it, thinking it would be a good distraction but work was distraction enough and I really didn't want to interact with any new girl anymore.

I made myself comfortable on the grassy area where I usually stay. I looked around,spying for any signs of humans or cameras. I sighed in relief when I detected nothing odd, at least my unnecessary jitters earlier can now be thrown out of the window.

It'll be a shame to abandon this place in case I actually found one. I love it here. I discovered this place a few years ago and somehow I always end up here if I had time. It's like my own little hiding space.

I spent the next passing minutes adoring this beautiful scenery in front of me, allowing my lungs to breathe properly for once and my mind to slow down and just allow all thoughts to pass without judgments.

I like it here 'cause I am reminded of how small I am in this vast universe. We are just like these thousands of dots of light, we all shine in our own ways, maybe some brighter than others, but altogether we make a very beautiful scene, the beauty of life, of humanity.

If only people acknowledge this, that there are so much things far greater than ourselves or matters much more significant than our own opinions, then maybe people won't go to lengths just to let their comments be known and people wont have to suffer as much just trying to live. People won't have to live under the fear of being scrutinized by the rest of the world.

I never understood how people could deliberately hate on someone to the point of destroying their dignities. They were never forced to appreciate others anyway, they could just peacefully leave everyone else to their own devices and support what they really want.

As a long-standing public figure myself, I know all sorts of ways these hate comments are relayed, the lengths that people go through just to put dirt on somebody else and the extent of how far all these bad energy affect the overall being of the person or people at the receiving end. I've experienced it and I've seen my own group members and friends struggle with it.

Then my mind suddenly brought up an image of the person who has also been constantly receiving all sorts of unnecessary backlash. We talked about it a few times. She knows about everything and she talks about it but not even once did she show any vulnerability. She would be sad, I could clearly notice it, but she'd immediately mask it with nonchalance, dismissing the idea altogether saying that there were far more people who loved her and she just focuses on that. I greatly admire her strong character among anything.

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