Chapter 5

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I found Steve right next to some blonde, yet didn't feel any jealousy at all.

I took his arm and dragged him to the to go see robin. He was obviously a little drunk as his words kept slurring together and couldn't grasp on what I was talking about and tried to hit on me several times. 

"Steve, remember Robin? Our Co-Worker?" I asked him as his eye lids fluttered.

Robin looks towards him with a stare that said "Damn, he is DRUNK." I grabbed Steve's hand and patted it a bit and then led him to Tommy H so he could take care of him. I grabbed a beer and sat down next to Robin and talked about things like pay and how hard it is to be a woman in these times.

"So, hows your parent situation? If you don't mind me asking." I asked while taking a long sip from my drink.

"Uh, well my parents are divorced, so I live with my Mom and Grandma right now, but visit my dad at Christmas and birthdays."  She replied.  *THIS IS MY HEAD CANON, NOT ACTUAL CANON*

I nod and quickly respond back with, "Yeah my dads Hopper, Obviously, and uhm..." I stopped speaking after thinking of my mother. Robin looked at me and just nodded and looked down at her fingers. "I'm sorry." I said while grabbing another beer.

Time flies by with robin and I seemed to be getting tipsier by the second and words would Just blurt out of my mouth, not knowing what I was saying. 

"Ya know, you *hiccup* are really hot... like scarily hot.." I said, drunk as a skunk.

Robin blushed and looked at the ground then back up at me.

"Robin and me sitting *hiccup* in a tree! F-U-C-K-I-N-G!" I said, quite loudly.

Robins cheeks were extremely red from my drunk flirting that she had to excuse herself to the bathroom.

"Can I join you?"

She walks away quickly as I went into the living room and danced to the loud music blasting in my ears. Steve had sobered up surprisingly quickly, but hes probably used it. 

"Harley, You're drunk lets get you to bed." 

"No Mr. Frog! I don't wanna sleep! I want to stay and play with the big kids!" I responded

"Harley, come on, your gonna get in trouble if you keep dancing here." 

He grabs your shoulder and guides you up the the stairs, eventually having to carry you up wedding style. Over his shoulder you see Robin and the end of the stairs. 


Steve mutters under his breath and opens his bedroom door and lays you down on the bed. 

"Hey, Stevey..." I said while moving towards him seductively.

"No, Harley, You're drunk. That'd be so wrong. I'd never take advantage of you."

I pouted and rested my head on his soft pillow and drifted into a slumber.

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