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No one's Pov

Normally, when talking about hell, first thing we think about is of course, dark, scary, full of fire or lava place, and evil creatures or which case we call them demons/devils living in there.

Most people would believe, those who done bad things will be sent to hell and they will be punished there.

While when we say heaven, we will think about a bright, beautiful, clouds, fresh air place, and kind creatures or also known as angels living in there.

They say those who done great and kind things without a without ulterior motives, will go there and will continue to live peacefully.

But today, we will introduce our favourite character, Badboyhalo and his origin in this universe.

For him it was different, he wasn't born as a human, instead....he was a demon and an angel. Confusing? That is understandable, but that is exactly why I am here to explain!

Commonly people would start with the demons and angels being in somekind of a war, but I wanted this story to start different. I want this story to be unique or well you can say it as new but not original.

Now we shall start....

Long long ago, before our main character exist, there were three kind of being, the humans, angels, and demons. The humans always creates beautiful, sad, romantic, and many type of stories about angels and demons.

There were those who starts with a war and ended with peace or one of the side winning. There is ones who starts with a beautiful angel and demon who fell in love but was not accepted by their own kind.

But there's also ones who starts with a child, a little beautiful child, who was the child of a demon and an angel.

They weren't in war, they live in a peaceful place, together as a family. Many says peace isn't a thing, it doesn't exist, it's not something you can get that easily.

And well, that is true...at least the last part is. Peace doesn't just shows up out of nowhere, you have to work for it, you can't have peace by just lying around doing nothing.

Even if you did, that peace isn't real, that isn't your peace, that is someone else, you could've stolen it from someone or was just having a temporary peace.

And well, they worked on it, they ignore those who calls them disgusting, they hold their anger inside as best as they could when someone says horrible things.

People keep saying it's normal to receive that kind of treatment, but are you sure?

Are you really really sure, those words are normal to receive?

Did you think normalizing everything is going to make it better?

The answer is no, it's not normal, it's horrible, it's weird. (This is still a fanfiction btw ;<;)

Worried that their child might get affected by the negativity, they chose to leave, not too far away from where they came from, they didn't want to go to earth yet.

Why? Well, earth just doesn't sounds fitting to them, tho of course, starting something new isn't bad, they wanted their child to pick on their own.


Today was the day where Bad will start his journey, it's his first time ever going out alone, it's scary, but it's time to leave.

Oh, sorry, did you think that 15 is a bit young to let out alone? It's alright, Bad may be 15 but that's just his human age, of course demons/angels life works differently then humans.

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