Wilhalo VS Techhalo 4 • angst

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Hi! Welcome back!

...for some gosh dang reason y'all love to say "can't wait for the next part" or sum like that. So here I am...with a hopefully last part :>

You know what, frick my life, this is already 1900+ words, GOOD LUCK WAITING FOR ANOTHER WEEK FOR THE HOPEFULLY ACTUAL LAST CHAPTER 😀

Oh and because dank memer (discord bot) chooses no one pov or to be exact my pov >:) we gonna use that for this part :3

Warning: there will be a few censored curse words! And this chapter is quite long 😃

You forgot again? Seriously, I can't believe you, just take this ಠ ೧ ಠ

Previously ~  Philza and the two prince's found an information about the Halo family and Bad was told by his mother to never fall in love with the two prince!?

What will happen?! Enjoy dear friends! ^^

No one's Pov / Author's Pov

It's been a while, a whole month actually. For some reason both Techno and Wilbur started to become much protective over Bad, every so often they would check on Bad, asking if he's okay, making sure that nobody is hurting him in anyway.

Bad of course, known as one of the most oblivious person alive, didn't realize and just goes on with his days.

Clearly a normal person would've realize that those two were into something, but as the main character and the most wholesome person that ain't possible.

Bad didn't question one bit about the sudden change on their personality, he rather thinks it was...cute.

Remembering what his mother said, he quickly brush that thought away, worried that it might lead him to falling in love with them.

But now it is night, Techno had came back home, while Wilbur still have to do his royal duties.

Techno put his head on top of Bad's, he put his arms around his body, hugging him.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just tired."

"Did they force you to go hunt again?"


"..you know, I wouldn't mind helping...my brother could help too!" Bad said excitedly.

"Your brother?"

"Yup, Good could help!"

"....sure, just for a day though, Phil could get mad."

"Right! I'll go make a letter to my brother now, I'll be back!"

Bad then left, going to his room, taking out a paper and a pen. He started to write and write and write, he then stop, he question himself.

Is she going to allow him to go outside?

"... I hope she let him out." Bad said, looking up to the bright night sky.

A wish was told, hope were created, a life is slowly yet very fast losing it's spark.

Bad folds the paper, puts it inside a paper place, using a stamp to finish it off.

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