Never Too Late (1)

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Author's POV

"Khabkluen, you might not know me. But I need to tell you this. I like you"

Today is their last day in high school. Daonuea, who have a crush on Khabkluen, decided that this is the best time to confess because he is very sure that they will parted their way and won't meet again. So even if Khabkluen reject him, he won't have to face him anymore.

1 Year Later

If only Daonuea can turn back time, he will slap himself from the past.

Here he is, sharing room with three others moon faculty. Not that he mind sharing room with Sean and Typhoon, not at all. But things go wrong because the other one is Khabkluen.

"Nuea, Kluen, we have class in 10 minutes. Both of you don't have any classes for today right? So, I guess, see you guys later" Sean said and making his way out from the shared room.

"Oh Nuea, take care of your precious head" Typhoon said and followed Sean.

Nuea can't count how many time his head accidentally hit the bed frame. This is all because of Khabkluen. Speaking of the devil, Kluen's phone started to ringing. Kluen look at the caller id and smiled.

"Hello Gia" and that's how Daonuea's heart shattered again.

"Khabkluen, you might not know me. But I need to tell you this. I like you" Nuea said.

"I know you. I know you always help me secretly with my homework. Sorry naa, I have Gia and you know it too" Kluen said before picking up his basketball and walked away.

End of throwback

Nuea clenched his fist at the unpleasant memory. Back then, he knew Kluen have girlfriend, yet he chose to be selfish, in hope that Kluen can return his love.

"Is that Gia? Your relationship really last long, congratulations" Nuea said after Kluen end the call.

"You surely didn't learn about manners" Kluen said sarcastically.

"I didn't, too busy to mend my broken heart" Nuea said before getting out from the room. It is suffocating to be in the same place with Khabkluen, because after all this time, he is still in love with him.

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