Enemy To ????? (2)

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Author's POV

"Phuwin, did you see my sketchbook??" Dunk asked worriedly.

"No, why?" Phuwin asked, full of concern because he know how much his friend valued that sketchbook.

"Probably with Joong" Mix said while reading a BL manga. Dunk cursed rapidly before slamming his head on the table.

"Just return his bag Mr.TooManySinInCursing" Win said and everyone chuckled.

"Fckit, I will give up only for today!" Dunk smack his hand on the table before grabbing Joong's bag and making his way to he also don't know where.

Finally he spotted Joong near their college's pond after spending his whole hour looking for the said guy. He tapped aggressively on Joong's shoulder.

"Here, take your bag. Give me back my sketchbook" Dunk said grumpily.

"Wow, what make you confident that I took it?" Joong asked, amazed.

"You literally holding it dumbass. Now I am not here to talk to you, I am here for my sketchbook" Dunk said. Joong didn't say anything, he just took his bag and began to search for something.

"Do you think Im stupid? Why did you take it? Where did you keep it?" Joong raised his voice.

"Keep what? I didn't even open your bag!" Dunk said, a bit taken back.

"Right, you liar" Joong said before throwing Dunk's sketchbook inside the pond.

Dunk look at Joong in disbelief before jumping inside the pond, trying his best to save his sketchbook. Joong stood there, surprised with whatever that just happened. Luckily there are no students in that area.

Dunk seat beside the pond after he successfully grab his sketchbook. He turned page by page with a broken heart. All of his drawing are ruined. Not just a drawing, but a whole memory. Now there are no memories remained.

"Why did you do this?" Dunk said with a shaky voice, still looking down at his sketchbook.

"I already said I didn't open your bag, I didn't touch anything in it" Dunk added.

"I-" Is the only thing that left from Joong's mouth. He is speechless, he know that he went over the limit, he know that he did something terribly wrong.

"DUNK!" Mix shouted, after seeing his friend drenched with water. Phuwin and Mix run to get their precious friend that is still seating lifelessly staring at the wet sketchbook.

Phuwin was shocked when he see the condition of the sketchbook. All drawings are smeared, some are teared apart. Phuwin immediately hug Dunk. Mix, who could not hold back any longer, punch Joong hardly on the face.

"Do you know that this sketchbook is the only memories that he have with his mom?!" Mix shouted, letting out his anger.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw it, I-"

"Yeah right! As if your sorry can bring back his mom from death and create memories again" Mix said before dragging Dunk away.

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