37: Movie Night

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A few more days had passed. It was the weekend and it was usually that time where the three of them would hang out. Mainly they would have a movie night or go shopping. It didn't matter what it was but it was pretty fun.

Right now they were laying down on the couch in the common room. They had put a movie on and were snuggled underneath the cover. They had some candy and some popcorn on the table in front of them. Bakugo was leaned against the arm rest while Todoroki was laying in between his legs. His head laid on the blonde's stomach. Kirishima was laying the same way on top of Todoroki, except he was hugging the other boy's guy thigh. Todoroki had shorts on as well as Bakugo's sweater that he gave him. Bakugo was wearing joggers and a plain black shirt on. Kirishima wearing a big hoodie with shorts on also.

"Bakugo, can you pass me the bowl of candy?" Kirishima asked softly. Bakugo rolled his eyes before moving slightly to get the bowl of candy from the table. Todoroki's head slightly moved along. He grabbed the bowl and handed it to Kirishima. He then laid back down and rubbed Todoroki's hair and mumbled an apology for moving. The smaller hummed and closed his eyes and enjoyed the touch. He laid his hand on the blonde's stomach, right next to his own hand. Kirishima opened up a candy bar and started to eat it. He looked at the two and smiled.

They stayed like that for half the movie. Kirishima was getting bored and blinked. He started to nibble on Todoroki's thigh. The boy-who was not expecting that- flinched. He held back a small giggle. Bakugo looked down at the others and gave a confused look at Kirishima.

"The fuck are you doing?" Bakugo mumbled. Kirishima looked up but still hadn't unleashed himself from the boy's thigh. He mumbled a nothing from the thigh. "You fucking vampire?" Bakugo grumbled before trying to get the red head off him. He eventually grabbed some of his red locks and pulled him off.

"It was squishy and very bite-able!" He whined. Todoroki blushed as he pulled his leg away from the boy. Bakugo just blinked, not being able to process anything.

"The fuck?" Bakugo mumbled. Kirishima pouted. The blonde eventually let go of the locks and glared at him. Kirishima smiled sheepishly before laying back down between Todoroki's thighs. "Don't bite him again." Bakugo grumbled at him.


They had fell asleep on the couch. Laying in the same position. Someone walked up to the couch and saw them. It was Sero thankfully. He looked at the three and smiled. He grabbed a blanket and covered them. The blanket was big enough to cover both Kirishima and Todoroki so Bakugo was the only one you could see. He smiled before grabbing his phone out his pocket and taking a picture.


Todoroki woke up first. He blinked as he seen a blanket over him. He looked and seen himself on Bakugo's crouch. He blushed before slightly moving himself so that way he couldn't be down there. Just as he moves someone screams.

"BAKUGO GREW A HUGE DICK!" The voice yelled, making the three shoot up. Bakugo jumped up and looked at Kaminari. Todoroki was in a position where it looked like he was doing a push up but he wasn't. Kirishima just bolted up and was still cover by the blanket.

"What the fuck Dunceface!!" Bakugo yelled. He had just woken up from that so you can imagine how pissed off he was right now. The boy had his jaw open in shock. Todoroki took the blanket off him as his eyes were strained from the light. Then Kirishima did the same thing but laid his head back down on the couch.

"You guys had a movie night?" He questioned as he saw the candy and popcorn. The three all looked at each other. Slightly nervous that Kaminari knew. "Without me?" He faked cried. The three were stunned as they realized how oblivious he was.

"Y-yeah..sorry." Todoroki sheepishly said. Bakugo rolled his eyes before laying back down. He was too tired to deal with this. Kirishima was completely dozing off and looked like he was in another dimension. Kaminari pouted before going to get cereal. Todoroki sighed and laid his head down on the couch. Kirishima laid his head on his shoulder.

They were too tired and it was too early for this. Bakugo had quickly fallen asleep already. Todoroki carefully laid Kirishima down on top of his chest as he laid on Bakugo's lap. Just a few more hours of sleep is all they asked for. Kirishima nuzzled into his chest more and covered himself with the blanket he had. Todoroki moved his front hair before giving a small kiss on his forehead. Bakugo opened his eyes but closed them again and started to pet Todoroki. Combing through his hair with his hand. It was reassuring to the boy. They all had fallen asleep like that. Even if they were out in the open they could care less. Plus, maybe they would think they were having a movie night and just fell asleep like that.


"Hey Shoto." A voice spoke softly. The boy opened his eyes. Not really wanted to be awake at all. He hummed letting the other know he was awake. "Come on, you can't sleep here." It spoke. He groaned. He carefully placed himself up but didn't open his eyes.

"He's so cute." A different voice giggled. Todoroki was bundled in a blanket with bed head. Bakugo rolled his eyes but mentally agreed. Then he placed his arms underneath his legs and one under his back. He carried him like a bride to the dorm. His arm dangling for a bit before Todoroki brought it back up to cuddle with him. He felt as if he could stay like this forever.

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