28: Sick 1/2

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"I'm so sorry Todoroki.." Kirishima muttered for the hundredth time. Todoroki had gotten sick, when he thought he was using his quirk he was actually staring to get sick. Todoroki didn't blame Kirishima though, it wasn't his fault though. It was Todoroki's, he should have worn a coat instead. He thought he would be fine with his jacket only since he could use his quirk but that didn't work.

"It's fine Kirishima." Todoroki's voice was very hoarsely and low. He turned around in his bed, laying on his side. Todoroki never really gets sick, if he was honest he only thinks it happen it twice in his life, and that's saying a lot. The only time in happened was when his quirk got out of control and his mom was there to comfort him. But right now she wasn't here.

"I'm back." Bakugo said. He had a wet rag with some extra blankets. Todoroki shivered at the feeling of the cold rag over his forehead. Bakugo touched his forehead, he was burning hot even though Todoroki felt cold. Todoroki had his eyes closed but he was still awake. "When was the last time you got sick?" Bakugo asked Todoroki.

"When I was 6 or 7 I think." Todoroki mumbled. Bakugo was taken back, that was a long time ago. Todoroki shivered under the blankets, trying to warm himself. Kirishima sat in the chair next to the bed worriedly looking at the poor boy.

"How do you feel?" Bakugo asked. Todoroki couldn't even answer his whole body felt on fire but then it would be freezing cold, his head hurting with every little movement.

"Shitty." Todoroki said honestly, laughing softly but with no humor in it. Bakugo chuckled softly, he threw more blankets on him covering him up. Todoroki's entire face was red, that was due to the sickness. Todoroki didn't like being sick, it made him feel vulnerable and that didn't leave a nice feeling in Todoroki. The sick boy groaned softly, Bakugo checked the rag and surprisingly found it dry, like it wasn't even wet. He sighed worried and took it off Todoroki.

"Kirishima, take this rag and wet it with warm water this time." Bakugo said softly. Kirishima nodded and took it, rushing out the door. "I'll be back Todoroki."  He said to the boy who was shivering. He moved some of white strands from his face and got up to go to the kitchen. Todoroki was now alone, the boy felt cold, he didn't like this, he didn't like being sick, he wanted to be with his mother, wanted to be with someone he loved. He rolled back on his side again, crawling into a ball. After a few seconds Kirishima came back.

"Todoroki..?" He asked softly, he heard a hum from the boy. "Can you turn around?" He asked softly and gently. Todoroki obeyed and turned around, his eyes very slightly opened to see the red haired there. He felt the warm rag which made him whimper, a quiet sorry was heard from the red head. Kirishima's touch was very gentle, Todoroki wanted more, he wanted Kirishima to touch him more with his smooth but rough hands. Todoroki started panting softly, his lips slightly parted. To Kirishima's point of view, he looked gorgeous, his face was beautiful, he blushed slightly before sitting back down. Soon after a few minutes, Bakugo came back with a bowl of soup.

"Todoroki, get up." Bakugo said gently. Todoroki groaned quietly but Bakugo still heard it, eventually Todoroki sat up, feeling the cold air hit him, he shivered. "Here eat some." Bakugo's voice changed, it was actually very soothing to Todoroki.

"But I don't want to eat.." Todoroki mumbled, his eyes slightly opened while his body was exhausted to even sit up. He really didn't want to eat, his stomach felt gross like he could throw up at any minute.

"You haven't ate anything all morning. If you don't eat your stomach will hurt more." Bakugo said. He really did not want Todoroki to get worse. He cared about him a lot. Todoroki obliged and took a tiny bite before stopping. "What's wrong?" He asked softly.

"Feed me?" Todoroki asked softly and quietly. He looked up enough to meet eye contact with Bakugo. He looked so beautiful, Bakugo rolled his eyes but inside was jumping up and down with excitement/happiness.

"Fine." He grumbled. Todoroki giggled softly as Bakugo fed him like a child. He felt bad for Todoroki, he should have given him his coat when he asked if he was okay. Bakugo continued feeding Todoroki as Kirishima smiled softly at the two. Todoroki finished after a few minutes, he covered himself with a plain blanket which was thin.

"Oh I just remembered, I got an All Might blanket for you!" Kirishima suddenly said. He left while the other two stared at the door. Then Bakugo looked at Todoroki, his eyes met Todoroki's mismatched ones. They stared at each other for a good minute or two before Kirishima came back, the red head covered the sick boy with the blanket and wrapping him around, starting with his head.

"Thank you.." Todoroki muttered. He looked so adorable to Kirishima and Bakugo's view. He was tired. Today was a school day but Todoroki, Kirishima, and Bakugo had to take today off. "Are you sure you guys want to stay, you can go if you want." Todoroki mumbled.

"Its no big deal." Kirishima smiled warmly, Todoroki blushed a bit. He felt so tired, his eyes slowly closing before opening back up. Bakugo got off the bed and talked to Kirishima, Todoroki couldn't hear what they were saying but laid down instead.

He shivered and brought the blanket closer to him, it was really soft. He wanted to fall asleep but he was missing something, when he was sick, and it was only once or twice, he would have a blanket and something else. He thought hard about it, his mom was there hugging him, comforting him, brushing his hair back and kissing his forehead, saying sweet things to him that helped him fall asleep. The boy curled into a ball and hid his mouth in the blanket. He wanted to ask them to lay with him but he didn't want them to get sick. He shivered, still feeling cold. He was wearing Bakugo's sweater and some joggers since he want to be comfy.

"Todoroki?" Kirishima asked, turning his head to face him. Todoroki hummed letting the boy know he has his attention. "Do you mind if I lay with you?" He asked gently. Todoroki shook his head and opened his eyes slightly. In fact that's just what he needed, a hug, cuddles. Ejirou crawled in the bed and hugged Todoroki by the waist. The smaller did not struggle and let himself be pulled into the hug. Suddenly he felt warm, he nuzzled into the red heads chest and inhaled his scent and exhaled. Soon in a few seconds Todoroki was finally able to get sleep. Kirishima smiled softly, he gave a soft kiss on Todoroki's forehead and brushed his hair back. Bakugo looked at them, smiling softly.

"I'll be back." Bakugo told Kirishima. Ejirou nodded and cuddled with Todoroki. The red haired loved this, hugging the sick boy, he blew some air out to mess up the red and white strands. Todoroki held tight onto Kirishima, the red head was really surprised at how strong he was. Soon Bakugo came back. Who knows what he was doing but he came and laid down with the two. He put a mask over Todoroki's face, he didn't want to but he didn't really want to get sick either, plus he always wore a mask when he was sick and the next day he would feel better, somehow, logic for y'all.
"Night Ejirou."

"Night Katsuki.."

Words 1311

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