10: Up late

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"What?" Kirishima asked, not wanting to move his head to look at him since Todoroki had his chin on him.

"Sorry for doing a stupid stun and jumping off the roof.." Todoroki let out a humorless laugh, just thinking about it made him cringe at the thought. The two were silent both not knowing what to say or help. "Welp sorry for changing the atmosphere." Todoroki said getting off kirishima and onto the ground. At the perfect timing kirishima's mom came outside to tell them breakfast is ready.

The atmosphere was thick and the mother could tell but didn't know how to bring it up.

"I should go." Todoroki gave a small smile before going to get his clothes, the two didn't want him to go but none of them had balls- heart! To tell him. With Todoroki he was getting the clothes he had the other night and was about to put them on despite how dirty they were until there was a knock on the door. "Yes?" He opened the door and seen kirishima there.

"You can take my clothes." He gave Todoroki a sheepishly smile which Todoroki returned back with a tiny smile.

"Thanks.." Todoroki was about to close the door but Kirishima stopped him.

"Wait! I..where are you gonna go?"

"What do you mean?"

"Last night you said.." he took a deep breath before continuing. "And I quote 'Please don't take me to my house'.....is everything okay?" Todoroki's eyes widen while he went pale, I..don't remember saying that..or anything..

"Oh..I'm fine, I'm gonna go back to the dorms. Don't worry I probably was just saying random words." Todoroki sheepishly smiled. He closed the door and sighed deeply. Tears began to blurry his vision.

Damn it..stop crying..

Todoroki wiped his tears away and went back to the dorms.


Todoroki laid down in his bed with absolutely nothing to do. He felt really lonely and tired, he tried to go to sleep but that didn't work. After debating with himself, he went on his phone and on social media. The time was 2:28am, he groaned seeing how late he had stayed up and how early he would have have to get up later. He got up and decided if they had any Melatonin gummies. (Gummies that help you fall asleep faster if you didn't know from research). He peeked out his door before going out, quietly making his way to the kitchen.

He used the stairs instead of the elevator since he thought it was quieter to get down. Finally he reach the kitchen and looked in one of the cabinets. The students had a tiny cabinet that had some medicine or sleeping stuff in case any one was having trouble sleeping which actually happens a lot in the class. It was still dark out and Todoroki hadn't turn on the lights so it was a bit hard to see.

He grab a bottle and tried to use the moons light to read, thankfully it was thing he needed for tonight. Suddenly he heard footsteps, he quickly turned his head around and looked, the steps sounded like they were trying tip toe their way here.

"Who's there?" He asked, eyebrows furred his glare sending a warning.

"Relax it's me.." The husky voice said, it took him a second to realize that the husky voice was Bakugo. It was weird how often he'd magically bump into him or Kirishima.

"Why are you awake and here?" Todoroki asked no longer looking at him and taking 2-3 Melatonin.
(A/n: someone pls tell me if I'm saying or doing this wrong)

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