32: Bakugo's kiss

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Todoroki didn't remember when he got in Kirishima's bed but when he woke up, he found himself in a sandwich between Kirishima and Bakugo. He smiled softly and nuzzled into Kirishima's chest, his cheek getting squished. He closed his eyes and fell back asleep.

"Bakugo pleaseee.." The red haired whined.

"Shut up, giving me a damn headache." The blonde rubbed his temples in irritation.

"I'm a great cook.."

"Yeah okay. last time I let you cook there was a fucking fire." The blonde remarked. He crossed his arms. Kirishima scratched his neck as he smiled sheepishly. "I'm fucking cooking." He grumbled. Bakugo grabbed his rubber-band and tied his front hair up.

"Fine.." He gave up and slumped back into the bed where Todoroki was at. A slight movements was made from him but he was still asleep. The blonde rolled his eyes and left to go downstairs to make breakfast. With Kirishima and Todoroki, the boy was still sleeping as the red haired stared at him. He gently brushed his hair out of his face and rubbed his cheek. Todoroki's hair looked messy but looked adorable. Kirishima smiled and went up to touch his scar, Todoroki slightly flinched as Kirishima was moving his hair to see the scar more. He was slightly shock at how big it was. He began to run his finger down it, then he played with his hair and messing it up. Then he began to play with his cheeks, slightly pinching them, Todoroki began to mumbled and accidentally hit Kirishima.
"Shit!" Todoroki opened his eyes and seen his hand on/in Kirishima face.

"Oh my god I am so sorry!" Todoroki exclaimed slightly rising up and going next to the boy. Kirishima laughed slightly as he hid his face. Todoroki sat up as the red head was lying down, hiding his face with his hands. Todoroki moved his hands away and began to examine the others face. Kirishima looked up at the smaller as he held a tired but worried face, he looked like an Angel. Todoroki touched his cheek and gently picked his head up onto his lap. Kirishima blushed as Todoroki began to  check him. 

"I'm fine.." Kirishima mumbled as he felt his face burning up. Todoroki sighed in relief as the worried feeling left him and was replaced with tiredness. Kirishima thought about it for a second before gently cupping Todoroki's cheeks and slightly moving his face down. The boy blushed slightly but didn't pull away, the red head pulled him in closer, faces barely touching. Soon Bakugo came in and was just watching them as they looked at him. Kirishima let him go as they both held a red blush on their faces. The blonde smirked as he rolled his eyes. He set down the tray of food on the nightstand. They began to eat as they enjoyed the food the blonde made for them.

"Thanks Bakubro!" Kirishima smiled with some food in his mouth, his cheeks looking like chipmunk's cheek.

"DONT TALK WITH FOOD IN YOUR MOUTH DUMBASS!" Bakugo yelled. Todoroki chuckled at the two and gave a silent thank you. After they were done they just sat there in silence. Mostly all the attention was on Todoroki which made him kinda tense. The boy didn't like the two boys eyes on him, it made him feel nervous. He tried looking away and down at his lap but his chin was forcefully grabbed, he was forced to look into those crimsons eyes. His heterochromatic eyes were flickering around, not being able to hold eye contact with Bakugo's dark crimson eyes.
"Look at me." Bakugo growled softly as his finger brushed over his smooth lips. That was..hot. Todoroki blushed slightly and slowly moved his eyes to look into those crimson ones. Kirishima smirked and let Bakugo have his fun and laid down since he had all his fun on the dare.

Bakugo took one last look on his lips before smashing his lips onto Todoroki's. The boy's eyes widen as the blonde continued kissing him, he didn't even try to pull away. Bakugo began to be more forceful which for some reason Todoroki really liked. The blonde smirked in the kiss as the boy kissed back. Todoroki began to start panting softly as he slowly lost air, Bakugo broke out of the kiss sometimes and let the boy breath but pulled him back into the kiss again, but this time he would enter his tongue inside the younger's mouth. Bakugo's hand crawled up into Todoroki's hair, he ever so slight gripped it and pulled it back, breaking the kiss and leaving a strand of saliva connecting it to their mouths. Todoroki's face was red as a strawberry, his eyes looked to the side as he was panting softly. Katsuki's lips began to graze over Shoto's shoulder, the smaller shivered at the touch. Then, Bakugo started kissing down on his neck to his shoulder, Todoroki felt a smirk on the blonde's lips as they touch him.

"Say it." Bakugo muttered softly next to Todoroki's ear. The boy blinked slightly confused as he was still softly panting. He moved his head slightly to look the blond head, he noticed Kirishima there watching them carefully.

"Say what..?" He panted softly out. This made the blonde smirk even more. He went to his neck and started kissing down there, it was sweet until he bit down making the smaller boy whimper.

"Say my name." Bakugo smirked. Todoroki bit his lip softly as his held his head down.

"Bakugo.." Todoroki mumbled. The blonde moved his mouth somewhere else and bit harder than before, making Todoroki yelp.

"Wrong answer." Bakugo growled softly. Kirishima smirked as he knew what the blonde wanted him to say. He didn't wanted to interfere, at least not yet. Todoroki took a second or two to realize what he meant. He whimpered softly as Bakugo broke free.

"Katsuki..~" He whispered softly. The blonde went red in zero seconds, same with Ejiro. They weren't even dating yet, why were they doing this to him?
It's not like Todoroki wasn't enjoying it, he was really liking the stuff they were doing to him. But weren't supposed to ask him first to be their boyfriend, like in the movies him and Momo watch.

"That was hot..." Kirishima mumbled, Bakugo hid his smirk with a scowl as he moved away. Todoroki turned his head, in attempt to hide his face, his bangs covering his eyes but didn't cover the fact that the blush was visible.

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