11: Tired

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Todoroki woke up early and it sucked since he wanted to get more sleep. His eyes strained and he felt something around his waist, Bakugo had hugged him from behind and was not letting go anytime soon. Todoroki tried to go back to sleep but he couldn't, he was obviously tired but his body refused to go back to sleep. He grabbed his phone from his pocket and looked at the time, 5:37am...

He wanted to groan in annoyance but remembered that Bakugo was still sleeping. Those gummies got him at least 2 fucking hours of sleep he told himself. He was really annoyed and since he was tired also it just made him pissed off. He turned off his phone and tried again to go to sleep, but again he failed. He decided he would just stay up on his phone since he couldn't sleep and since Bakugo wouldn't let him go. He stayed like that for 2 hours till Bakugo's alarm went off. The sleepy blonde woke up but didn't want to move and hit the alarm since it was getting on his nerves, and nuzzled into Todoroki's neck. Startled Todoroki flinched and spoke.

"It's Monday Bakugo.." Todoroki whispered loud enough for Bakugo to hear him. Bakugo groaned in tiredness and did not move at all instead he moved closer to Todoroki. "Could you let go?" Todoroki mumbled, it was only there that he realized that a hand was under his thigh. Bakugo squeezed his waist and thigh and the same time, Todoroki was not expecting it so he whimpered. Bakugo smirked to himself as if he accomplished a goal. "L-let go.." Todoroki's face was red and was embarrassed. "I swear if you don't let this will be the last time I hang out in your dorm." Todoroki threaten and Bakugo understood it and let go.

"How long were you up?" Bakugo asked his voice husky and his hair flat.

"Since 5:37am." Todoroki answered, Bakugo eyes widen and he then looked at Todoroki for the first time this morning and saw dark circles underneath his eyes, the poor boy had at least 2 hours of sleep since he stayed till 3am. Todoroki sat up for a few seconds to make sure he wouldn't get dizzy when he got up. Then he left. Bakugo looked worried.

In class<3

Todoroki was barely awake and when the teacher was talking he could barely pay attention. Now believe him he tried to listen but he was zoning out every few seconds and falling asleep. Kirishima had noticed and was filled with worry. After what felt like hours it was lunch time and everyone was getting their stuff and leaving. But Todoroki had fallen asleep on accident, Bakugo and Kirishima stayed behind to wake him up.

"Todoroki, the bell rang.." Kirishima cooed in a soft manner shaking him slightly. Bakugo had his bag around him while his arms were crossed. Todoroki moved slightly and tilted his head.

"Fuck I fell asleep, didn't I?" Todoroki grumbled his head going back inside his arms, clearly annoyed with himself. Bakugo kinda liked when he cussed it was like a weird thing he liked about him.

"Yeah.." Kirishima said sheepishly. Todoroki sat up and made a cute yawn before getting his stuff and leaving with the two. As they were walking Todoroki decided he wanted to go outside.

"I'm gonna go on the roof, you guys can head on without me." Todoroki said already changing paths with them before Kirishima called him back.

"We can come with you." Kirishima smiled sweetly at him with those shark teeth. Who could say no to that?

"Were you gonna eat?" Bakugo suddenly joined in the conversation.

"I was just sleep up there for a bit.." Todoroki mumbled. The two boys looked at each other before looking back at him. They seen the dark circles underneath his eyes and watched him sleep in class earlier but they didn't want him to just sleep on the roof alone. There were many things running through their heads that would happen to Todoroki as he slept on the roof which scared them a bit.

"Well you don't have to eat, we just want to accompany you. We'll get our food and meet you up there." Kirishima smiled taking Bakugo to the cafeteria and leaving Todoroki alone.

Todoroki walked up the to the roof and sat near the edge again. He was just waiting for the two boys to come back. His vision was a bit blurry but he ignored it and focused on the clouds in the sky. He wasn't exactly sure how he was gonna sleep but he really wanted and needed to sleep. He hadn't heard the door open or close and when he saw from the corner of his eyes the two sit down next to him, it startled him. He was just really tired. He needed some rest. He was super jumpy, and the two noticed. He laid down while the two eat their food. He didn't know whether they were talking or just eating silence but he didn't care at the moment. All the noise was blocked out.

"Hey Todoroki?" Kirishima suddenly asked for him. He hummed in response his elbows covering his eyes. "Do you wanna lay on my lap?" Kirishima asked innocently, patting his lap so Todoroki could lay there. He didn't think about it and just quickly.

"Mhm.." Todoroki hummed and laid his head down laying sideways. Todoroki felt really small and vulnerable, he could really the two staring at him and he kept his eyes closed hopefully they would stop staring at him. He hadn't noticed he fallen asleep. Kirishima and Bakugo looked at each other and smiled, then Bakugo scooted closer to Kirishima and laid his head down on the red hairs shoulder. They would have to wake Todoroki up in 50 minutes but for now they would let him sleep, enjoy the sleep. and enjoy the moment.
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