31: Date

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Kirishima and Bakugo had been thinking about it for months and they finally think it's time to ask Todoroki out. They have been flirting with him for a few months now, and hopefully it was time to ask.

"Rock papers scissors!" Kirishima yelled out. Him and Bakugo were currently in Kirishima's dorm, playing to see who would ask Todoroki. They both were nervous so instead of winning they tried losing if that makes sense.

"FUCK!" Bakugo yelled out, throwing his hands up in the air as he stood up. Kirishima laid back on the bed with one hand covering his eyes. Bakugo was apparently gonna ask him.

"You lost." Kirishima teased slightly, Bakugo turned around and sent a glare at him.

"Shut up shitty hair." The blonde cursed. Kirishima playfully rolled his eyes as he knew Bakugo couldn't see them.

"Let's get the shit." Kirishima jumped up from the bed and smiled excitedly. Bakugo rolled his eyes but followed along.

Todoroki was reading a manga since Sero had shown him a week before. It was quite interesting. Suddenly there was a knock on his door after a few minutes. He put his bookmark to save his page and got up to open the door.

"Oh Hello." He smiled softly, surprised to see Bakugo and Kirishima standing there.

"Hi." Bakugo grumbled, he was holding something behind his back but Todoroki couldn't tell what.

"What brings you guys here?" Todoroki asked, opening the door all the way. Bakugo opened his mouth to say something but was completely shut. Kirishima noticed and rolled his eyes.

"Me and Bakugo wanted to ask you something." He smiled. It was then he realized that both of their faces were red.

"Oh well what was it that you needed to ask me?" Todoroki tilted his head slightly to the right. Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes before shoving a bouquet of flowers to his chest.

"Will you go out with us?" Bakugo grumbled. He wasn't prepared for this. His face flushed crimson as a small noticeable flame flew off him. The two looked at his face as Todoroki attempted to look away.

"Yes.." Todoroki mumbled, hiding his face into the boquete of flowers. He was smiling a bit and was completely red.

"We'll let you get ready." Kirishima smiled sweetly, Todoroki nodded and closed the door. With Kirishima he was shaking Bakugo, obviously supper happy and excited, Bakugo was just super red.
Now with Todoroki he was tempted to jump up and down but he remembered that Kirishima and Bakugo were just outside his door. He was mentally screaming at the moment, he smelled the roses which had some red and some white. He smiled and put the flowers in a vase. He ran to get his clothes on.

Bakugo and Kirishima were waiting for Todoroki, the red head was shaking, almost jumping up and down. Bakugo smacked his shoulder to get the boy under control. Soon Todoroki came out the door. Kirishima gave smiled but then ran towards him before bringing him to a giant bear hug. He was being squished and picked up a little.

"Damn it shitty hair let go! He needs to breath!" Bakugo yelled as he tried to pry Kirishima's hands off. Todoroki laughed as it reminded him of when he was sick and Kirishima did the same thing when he woke up while Bakugo struggled to take his hands off.

They all walked together, it wasn't an awkward walk either thanks too Kirishima. Todoroki didn't really know where they were going but as long as he was with them he's happy. The boy was in the middle of them as they walked, as Kirishima was talking he felt a hand get tangled in his fingers. He looked down then looked up at the blonde who had a small scowl on his lips. He smiled softly and held back. The boy laid his head on his shoulder, Kirishima then glanced at them and held Todoroki's other hand. Shoto smiled at the two and continued walking.

"Here we are!" Kirishima smiled a bit sheepishly as a blush crawled across his face. They were in a open field, a hill with a blanket.

"It's not much but-" Bakugo started before getting cut off by Todoroki.

"It's perfect." Todoroki interjected, it was like a small picnic with some food and candles. They all sat down and began to eat. Todoroki thanked them before eating, he never really went on a date or even thought about going on one, so right now he didn't really know what to do. Luckily, Kirishima being the best boy he is, started a conversation. Todoroki found out that his hair is actually dyed and not natural.

"You didn't fucking know that?" Bakugo mumbled before taking a bite of his food. Todoroki shook his head. "Well since Ejirou told you something you didn't know about him I'll tell you something."
Todoroki noticed how Bakugo didn't call him a nickname and instead his first name.
"I'm better than you." He said with a smirk on his face. Todoroki rolled his eyes with a small smile on his lips.

"Sure~" Todoroki said sarcastically. Kirishima chuckled at the two.

"Nah I'm just playing," Bakugo spoke, Todoroki looked back at him, really curious now.
"I read some romantic manga, ever since you showed me your romantic books I started to like it." Bakugo said as a red blush crawled its way to his cheeks. Todoroki was taken back but smiled, that was actually really awesome.

"What about you Todoroki?" Kirishima asked, tilting his head slightly. He looked at those crimson eyes before looking away, not being able to hold eye contact with him. He had a lot of secrets, he just had to be careful of which one he will tell them.

"Oh I..uh.." Todoroki stuttered, he honestly didn't know what to tell them. He can't just randomly tell them something about his trama, thats weird. The two waited for him, looking blankly at him while blinking.

"It doesn't have to be personal. We don't want to make you uncomfortable!" Kirishima worriedly said.

"It's fine.." Todoroki mumbled. "I actually had a dream about you guys a few months ago." Todoroki hesitated to speak. Bakugo and Kirishima were both surprised that Bakugo had started coughing on the food he was eating. Todoroki looked up at Bakugo worriedly as Kirishima handed him a water bottle.

"I-I'm fine." Bakugo coughed out. "What was the dream about?" Now it was Todoroki's turn to be surprised, his cheeks went crimson.

"I-it..wa..umm.." Todoroki stuttered, his face turned crimson as he remembered bits of it. Kirishima wanted to chuckle a bit but instead a small smile fell on his lips, seeing how the boy was stuttering, he found it cute.

"Well?" Bakugo pushed. Todoroki had a pink blush to his cheeks to his ear.

"I.. don't remember..?" Todoroki smiled sheepishly. They obviously knew it was a lie but didn't push it any farther.

They continued eating and talking as the moon slower came up for its shift as the sun went down. Soon enough it was almost time to go back to the dorms. But Kirishima and Bakugo didn't say anything yet, they wanted to spend more time with Todoroki.

"We should get going." Bakugo spoke. Todoroki hummed as Kirishima nodded.

Words 1226

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