29: Sick 2/2

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Todoroki woke up, feeling warm in front of him and behind. He opened his eyes slightly, he noticed a mask over his face. He didn't mind it though, instead he nuzzled back. But that stopped when he felt a weird bubbly feeling in his stomach, he jolted up startling the others awake, he ran to the bathroom and pulled up the toilet seat then pulling down his mask. He then released his food out, he cringed at the tingling feeling in his throat.

After he was finished he leaned away from the toilet and flushed it. Bakugo and Kirishima came in and helped the poor boy up, he brushed his teeth, trying to get rid of the disgusting taste, then pulled the mask up again. They brought him on the bed and tried to treat him with care, Todoroki didn't like being sick, made him feel weak. He brought the blanket around him and nuzzled with it.

"Did it suddenly get colder?" Bakugo asked shivering a little as he said that. Kirishima looked at him before feeling the cold also, they both looked at Todoroki who was barely staying awake, the boy shivered but was sweating. He laid himself back down, not wanting to look at either of the boys. "We should take him to recovery girl." Bakugo suggested, not wanting to deal with this anymore and have to wait for Todoroki to get better. Kirishima nodded. They both gently pulled him up on his feet and went to recovery girl. After a few mintues they made it to her office.

"Hello boys, what is happening here?" She asked, getting up from her chair to touch the sick boy. "Set him down on one of the beds." She pointed, they did as ordered and gently placed him down.

"He got sick yesterday and we don't know what else to do, it seems like he's getting worse." Kirishima told recovery girl. She hummed and nodded, walking over to the boy and touched his forehead. She then walked over to her computer. Kirishima sat next to Todoroki looking at the poor boy as he shivered and moved every little while.

"Well he's sick alright," She told. "I could tell you details of whats happening if you'd like." She said, waiting for both their responses, they both nodded. "Well basically when he's feeling cold he's warm on the outside and sometimes that switches, then his quirks gets out of control they sorta have a battle for victory to take over Todoroki." She said, serious and looked at the boy. (A/n: just fucking go with it)

"How can we help?" Kirishima asked.

"You can't." She said sternly, the both widen their eyes slightly. "You have to wait, hope Todoroki gets in control of his quirks again." She said.

"That's bullshit." Bakugo grumbled, folding his arms while leaning against a wall.

"I know, it will take time." She said sadly soft of. "Your welcome to stay for as long as you like." She smiled then closed the curtain. They both looked at each barely holding eye contact, then they both looked at Todoroki at the same time. They saw him flinching, his face filled with worry as he slept. They couldn't just wait. But what else could they do?
They felt the temperature go high then low.






They stayed there for hours. Bakugo grew tired of standing and eventually grabbed a chair to sit next to Kirishima. He fell asleep as Kirishima stayed awake. Todoroki kept fidgeting every little while, Kirishima sighed, it was 9:26, without even noticing he fell asleep.
Le morning

Kirishima woke up as the sun shined on his eyes. He blinked a few times before realizing where he's at. He looked down at Todoroki who was now sleeping peacefully, he turned his head sideways and didn't see Bakugo there, just as he was about to get worry the blonde walked in with a tray that had 3 bowls on it.

"Figured I'd make food." Bakugo shrugged before placing the tray on the table and giving one bowl to Kirishima. The red haired gave a quite 'thank you' before eating, he hadn't even realize how hungry he was. Bakugo then took his bowl and sat next to the boy and started eating to.

"I'm worried." Kirishima said his mouth having some food in it.

"Don't talk with you damn mouth full." Bakugo cursed before pulling spoon to his mouth. Kirishima chuckled softly and swallowed. His eyes became watery as he slowly ate. Bakugo finished and placed his bowl on the tray. "He's gonna be fine." Bakugo reassured as he gave Kirishima a kiss on the cheek before slightly hugging him with one arm. He knows how sensitive the red haired was with people he loved getting hurt. Kirishima sighed and relaxed. He put his bowl on the table and laid his head on the blondes shoulder. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Todoroki started to wake up. He slowly sat up as the two stood up, barely on their seats.

"Hi." He softly spoke, rubbing his eyes attempting to wake him. Kirishima jumped up and grabbed Todoroki into a bear hug.

"Shit- don't kill him!" Bakugo yelled, trying to pry Kirishima off to let the poor boy breathe. Todoroki laughed slightly when Bakugo got Kirishima off him.

"How are you?" Kirishima asked before asking him dozens of questions before Todoroki had a chance to answer.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Bakugo screamed, annoyed with the red haired.

"Shut up both of you I still have other patients here!" Recovery girl poked her head in before seeing Todoroki awake. The boy laughed slightly. "Oh Hi Todoroki, I'll be with you in a minute." She smiled, the boy nodded.

"I'm fine." Todoroki reassured, pulling his knees up to his chin. He was still tired but he felt better than before.

"Oh thank fucking god." Kirishima sighed deeply. Bakugo hit him on the back of the head.

"Here. Eat up." Bakugo grabbed the bowl that was Todoroki's and gave it to him.

"Thanks." Todoroki mumbled, he started eating as he listened to Kirishima talk about how worried he was and concerned. Bakugo rolled his eyes but sat on the bed next to Todoroki, saying how the chair was uncomfortable as fuck. He hummed and continued eating while listening.

"I'm back." Recovery girl walked in with her chair. "How are you feeling young Todoroki?" She touched his forehead.

"I feel better than before." He replied, she hummed. She checked him everywhere seeing if anything was out of the ordinary.

"Well I think one more day to rest and I think you'll be good as new!" She smiled, Todoroki thanked her and smiled, waving as she walked out. That smiled soon faded away.

"What's wrong?" Kirishima asked.

"I..I don't want to rest anymore.." Todoroki managed to say out, he didn't want to be behind everyone else, and he certainly didn't want the other two to get behind because of him. Bakugo looked at him as the boy looked down at his hands.

"It's fine, plus we can watch movies all day long." Bakugo put his hand on top of Todoroki's left one. The boy looked at him, sadness still clear in his eyes.
"Shitty hair get your laptop!" He ordered.

"Yes sir!" He joked before running out the room. Todoroki chuckled softly and held Bakugo's hand while leaning on his shoulder. Bakugo was not expecting it and slightly flinched, Todoroki was about to move away when the blonde got startled but was pulled back. He quietly apologized and laid his head on top of Todoroki's. The boy blushed slightly but didn't move and stayed still. "I'm back!" Kirishima yelled, startling Todoroki.

"Stupid shitty hair!" Bakugo yelled.

"SHUT UP!" Recovery screamed. Todoroki giggled softly.

They watched movies the entire day, Todoroki will admit that he enjoyed both of their presents with him.

Words 1320

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