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Wonwoo groan as soon the sun hits his face. As he was about to move, he realise there is someone beside him.

When he look his left, she were still sleeping peacefully.

But suddenly, he started to feel his heart heavy; he felt guilty with his action.

He raise up the blanket more higher so it can cover her bare shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

Wonwoo whispered as his fingers couldn't stop playing with her hair.

Last night, what they have done was all his mistake. Most of this thing happend, becauze of him. He make her do it. He make her do something that they shouldn't do it.

They broke the law of royal.

And he wont forget how fear surrounded her face. But at same time, he saw how she holding herself to not suffer when he powered her.

Wonwoo look at the sun, not too bright; that means its still early in the morning.


He turn back to where he heard someone hummed and found Mina started to move, signing she will wake up soon.

As soon Mina open her eyes, she slowly raise her head just to catch their eyes met unison. But Wonwoo saw something, a shining tears appears on her eyes.

"I'm sorry, Mina. I really am."

She scoff and started to let a sound of her sobs out.

"How could you..... W-Won... we're in trouble..."

Mina clutch the blanket that wrapped them together and she keep crying while Wonwoo try to console her gently.

He carefully hug her when her voice getting loud. And Wonwoo worried if servants out there might heard her voice.

"I know I shouldn't destroyed you, I'm sorry. Please, trust me that I will responsiblity on you."

"I wanna go home..."

Wonwoo take a deep breath and peck her head before he help her to get up.

As they both now sitted up, Mina look down and make sure the blanket wont fall down to cover her chest. Her eyes puffy and she cant stop sniffing.

"Let's make this thing in secret. I will find a way to solve everything without ruin each other."

Mina playing with her fingers, trying to fight herself from being nervous.

"Did you, really mean it, last night?"

Her tone was unclearly heard but Wonwoo did catch it everything.

"Which part?"

She tried to lift her eyes up so she can see his face that purely awaken cheeck and his hair messy like a normal guy who just woke up from the sleep.

"Everything, the moment you said you wanted to feel how Scoups felt when he with Nayeon."

"You didnt trust me?"

Mina do trust him, but this is big matter. Trust is not enough if he didnt prove her something that can make her fully believe him.

"I just thought, that you might like other guy although you're a king. Some of issues I heard from my people, a guy raped the woman and left her withoit anything left. At the end, the woman decided to kill herself with the baby she carried."

"So you wonder, if I would be like other guys?"

She didnt say anything more, she just dont know.

Wonwoo is a person who never lied with his word, and she know he hate how people that closed to him be a hypocrite behind him.

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