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Today, Mina decided to held community campaign at deep village far from castle.

She wanted to get to know more about how peoples surviving inside deep village despite being far from palace and barely having a life issues.

Unfortunately, her friends couldnt join her as they had their own issues on their kingdoms; except Wonwoo.

Last week, Wonwoo had gone away to side kingdom for business empire. While Mina busied with evolusion of her kingdom. A week, they didnt met or had any communication.

They became a busy king and queen.

And right now, Mina and Wonwoo had arrives at deep village.

As soon they come out from carriege, peoples welcoming them. Mina saw how old the cottage are and almost everything was made from woods.

"Your majesty, welcome to our village."

A chief village bow to her and also to Wonwoo who standing behind Mina.

"My name is Kim Jun Myeon."

His name surprise her, because it similar with Suho's name. Jun Myeon is Suho's nickname, he get it when he visited countryside and he met several tourist people from Korea.

There is when Korean tourist started called him Jun Myeon.

"Your majesty?"

She startle when chief village called her. Mina then shake her head and clear her throat.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, I just remember something. Well, lets start our touring time."

Mina quickly change the topic by gesturing chief village to show them the deep village.

Wonwoo didnt say anything, he just quite behind her.

The touring time made her distracted from thinking her past time. What have she discovered, that deep village had difficult on education issues.

The school is quite far from the village and it takes thirty minutes to arrives the school.

And also about finances of the village. They didnt had strong finances to buy everything at town. With that, Mina know what she should do as a queen.

After all, she is the young queen that Emerald depends on now.

She also wonder, how Suho and Irene didnt care much about deep village when actually the peoples here are having bad problems.

"So what do you think about this village?"

Chief village asked or they should have called him chief Kim.

"I'll try my best to make this village better than now. I dont want this place getting ignore until forever, I should make my kingdom well care and protected under my power."

Everyone who surrounded her cheered as they happy their queen made a good decision to save their future.

Mina then walk around when chief village go away to talk with villagers here.

Her eyes stop when she saw a little girl playing alone with baby doll on her hand.

"Hey, sweety?"

The girl turn around and emotionless staring Mina without saying anything.

Mina bend down and smile, trying to be friendly with the girl.

"What is your name?"

"Raysha Mina."

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