chapter 82

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~a little flashback~

minho feels uncertain and somehow has to meet the younger's parents, he became much busier due to tons of meetings for their company

the moment he had knock on the door of the younger's house, his hands were fiddling around, the door flung open

"g-good day......" minho can't continue his sentence, unable to say anything from getting mental blocked

"what're you doing there? come here, son!" the younger's dad pulled him for a hug

"get inside sweetie, we have lots of things to discuss with" jisung's mom said

the three of them started talking about minho and jisung's issues, cause of the problem to be specific

"jungkook's been planning to kidnap whoever in the group of jisung and to mine, and to his luck, he got jeongin and jisung"

"jisung didn't tell us anything about the kidnapping incident like did that guy hurt him or what?" his dad said

"he didn't hurt jisung and jeongin but what he did to trigger jisung and its weakness was mentioning me, telling jisung that im no longer his boyfriend until i got influence by jungkook's habit of clubbing all night....

going back to the dorm drunk, having no more time to spend with jisung cuz while he's busy, i didn't notice his plan was already working, when he got succeeded, that's when everything fall apart

jisung broke up with me after having a huge fight, he wrote and recorded a song for me, then left with my cousin to canada while i were just at the dorm, woke up with my friends surrounding me" minho finishes

"if you're going to apologize to us, we don't have to accept it, cuz you didn't do anything bad to us, but to jisung, sweetie"

"he should be the one accepting your apology, the one who should hear this, we don't have any grudges on you but with that jungkook guy, he should thank my son for being kind and good hearted"

"why? what happened?" minho asked

"jisung and jeongin decided to not get them in jail, they're the ones who let them be free, and you know what jisung told us?" minho shook his head

"to let you visit here anytime you want, let you roam around, have moments with us while he's not around, do whatever makes you happy" jisung's mom said

"but it took two years before you came back, why took you so long?" the father of the younger asked

"the company has been handed to me, dad, that's why i became busier than before, and to add that im afraid of you might hate me because i unintentionally hurt jisung's feelings" the older said

"you know we'll never do that? what you see with jisung, were taught by us, no hate, just pure love and acceptance" jisung's mom said with a smile

"and that necklace? he got that for you, almost the same with him but the difference is yours is a sun, his is a snowflake" jisung's dad added

"i thought, this came from taehyung hyung?"

the day taehyung and the two youngest has to go back from canada, where jisung handed the older a present for minho

it was the necklace that has a sun, signifying that jisung's sun is minho, that his warm is minho

he's the snowflake who only melts with the older's warmth

"now you know, son. jisung still loves you three years ago, and im sure he still loves you until now"

~end of flashback~

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