chapter 8

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hyunjin and changbin also went downstairs as felix and seungmin averted their eyes to the two walking down, slowly approaching them

"binnie hyung~ come sit here" as felix tapping his side motioning the older to sit, seungmin and hyunjin exchange smiles as the older sat beside seungmin trying not to get flustered by the boy.

"you smell good jinnie" seungmin complimented as the older scratch his nape while smiling awkwardly

"t-thanks! haha,,, y-you're cute... please smile often" hyunjin said, seungmin really felt like he was about to explode in any minute that time until jisung snapped, now he's back to the reality.

"oOooOokKkAaAaaYyYyyy, bOoaArrD gaAaAyyYymMmssS, i mean time to play board games!" jisung cheerfully yelled while carrying some board games to play

"HOW'D YO- WHY WE DIDN'T-...." felix tried to continue his sentence but no more words came out

"oh c'mon hyung, have you forgotten? jisung hyung is good at sneaking, even in hiding" jeongin deadpanned asked the freckled boy making their four new older friends gasped from the TMI

"wow ji, you are really something!!!" hyunjin cheerfully said as changbin hit his arm

"stop shouting you di-" chan covered changbin's mouth with his hand trying not to let the youngest hear the word

"sorry bout that, changbin's mouth is kinda a trash hehe" the aussie said

"chanie hyung, no need to sorry, my hyungs are like him a lot so im used to it ever since we're highschool" jeongin said while giggling.

they started playing board games while jisung went to their kitchen for snacks, minho followed him, he heard jisung singing not until then rapping melodically, he was shocked from hearing jisung's duality

'WOW~ I CAN'T WAIT TO KNOW YOU MORE, JISUNG'  he mentally said.

"hey sungie, let me help you" he subconsciously said making the squirrel boy turn his head behind

"oh min hyungie you're here, let's make sandwiches, you're in charge of spam and I'll cut some tomatoes" minho saw that its risky for jisung to cut the tomatoes so he immediately moved his hand to jisung's

"uhh.... hyungie... what are you doing??" as the boy asked the older

"i think its much better if this task was mine and the spam is yours" giving jisung his softest smile as the latter nodded while chuckling

"im done with the spam hyung, let me spread some mayo then you can put those tomatoes and spam with this cHeEsE" jisung emphasized the word 'cheese'.

they finished making snacks and got back to the living room.

the night pass quickly as they saw the time 12:37am.

"we better go upstairs now, sure we don't want to be late tomorrow" seungmin said earning nod from his friends

"shh guys keep quiet" jeongin fell asleep on chan's lap, the older carried the youngest to jisung's friends' room.

they all went to their room except for jisung who went to his parents room to talk for something he haven't tell yet. they bid goodnights to each other.

a/n: short chapter again

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