chapter 79

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"sung- i mean jisung, wake up we're already here"

the younger yawned softly while stretching his limbs, he woke up then saw minho in front of his face, he got startled and jump a little

"hyung~ no need to show up like that~" he whined, the older chuckles only

"lets get inside now" the older told jisung

one year after minho's graduation, he took over the company his parents were running that was partnered with the yang family

the older were too good and has great ability of managing the company, it leds them to a huge success

that's why minho had his own house now that he wants to share with jisung IF EVER the younger will go back to him

and so the others of their friends, except jisung's friends has their own house now as well, they also took over their parents company while working with their dream

"hyung, can i..... uh..." jisung hesitantly trailed while peaking, the older waits for jisung to continue his sentence while fixing his bed

"n-nothing" he stuttered

"c'mon, tell me jisung"

"hmm.... can i sleep with you? i don't like being alone" this was new to minho

jisung was not like this before, but after he got into the accident and had amnesia, everything he saw with jisung's attitude, the way he behave- is all new and hoping for the old jisung to go back

minho secretly smile from ear to ear, hearing the younger asking to sleep with him is enough to make him sleep peacefully

"sure, in one condition" the younger quickly shift his gaze to the older asking 'what'

"you go cuddle me, deal with it or not?" jisung has no choice but to cuddle the older

cuz he feels like it, too- he wants to embrace minho with hugs and cuddles the time he saw the older

'wait, am i really clingy before i lost my memory?' he thought to himself

while lying down, the younger asked minho with tons of questions

"how can you manage being a choreographer and a CEO? like if i were you, im dead already"

"well, i want to make my special someone proud once he get back" jisung pause from the older's words

'oh,,, he's in a relationship'

"who is that special someone you're saying?" he pulled out of the cuddle

"you'll know soon, as of now who is this?" minho asked jisung while showing the picture of jeongin, trying to change the topic as well

to his surprise, the boy remember jeongin's face, another image was shown and so on, until another flashbacks popped on his head

this made minho panic, it was a little strong this time which he didn't expect to happen

"aaaahhh!! i-i don't know w-who is-" jisung then faint and was lucky to be catched by the older's arms

"jisung?" minho shake the boy's body a little then realizes he just fainted

the older sighed while laying jisung down to his spot, he could only do now is to be with the boy while he's in a good mood- while he's not in his moody behavior

many hours passed by, jisung woke up next to minho with his face buried on the older's chest- he then remembered what happened

~during the flashbacks~

the first flashbacks of jisung was the time where he was still in a relationship with seungmin, their breakup, their closure

followed by the worse which is him and his friends almost got bullied, the day he got beaten up by hongjoong, then him and jeongin got kidnapped

the second flashbacks were the image of minho in a blurry vision suddenly popped on his mind, the image may be blurry but jisung was able to recognize the older

it was their past memory which is their first kiss during their unlabeled status, it was blurry but clear enough that it is minho

it was all coming back slowly to his memory, he even remembered jungwoo then the other youngest and so taehyung and his good deeds

these all causes jisung to faint over the memories that is taking over his mind once again, feeling too overwhelmed

~end of his flashbacks~

this intrigued jisung the most, he glances at the older next to him, still sleeping with the sun shining brightly on his skin, making him shine

'is that the reason why i feel you're so close to me? are you my boyfriend before?' he thought for a moment before he goes to the bathroom to take a bath

after a few moments, minho woke up then saw jisung not next to him, he then heard the water running from the shower

he shot up from his bed then went to his closet to get jisung some clothes to wear for today's booked event from the oldest

he checked his notifications then saw their group chat


chan the oldest added jisung

chan the oldest
see you all at the restaurant
by 1pm
[sent an address]

what's with the treat hyung?

just stop asking you gay moan🙄

you stop your fucking ass

will the two of you shut up?
or ill go barge in your house🙂

no innie, ill do it
am gonna.....
twist their fucking tongue😇

do you guys really have to fight?
i know its already 11am
that's why if i were y'all, get your ass up
then go take shower you stinky bugs

the older shift his gaze the moment he heard the doorknob clicked then saw the figure of jisung walking towards the mirror while holding his phone

obviously just got finished taking a shower, there were some droplets of water coming from his wet hair- he look like a hot mess

"hyung, where's your hair blower? and by the way, get up now, we'll meet them"

"right there, next to that small desk" minho then walk towards the bathroom with his clothes

"you can wear my clothes jisung" he said then get inside the room

minho admits how hot jisung looks like, he remembered the day he also saw the younger with droplets rolling down his skin, making him look like a hot mess

jisung then started to blowdry his hair then damped the towel on his skin quickly before putting on the clothes of the older

"wow, it fits?" jisung the shrugged off

a/n: sorry for a 1 week delay of the updates! am so sorry, I became too busy working with my requirements cuz just like I have said before, me and my bestfriend got accepted for our first part time job and on Monday, we'll start our training! double update for tonight!

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