chapter 70

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jisung and his friends has finish their reviewers, they have to go back to their dorm now, but this is except for jisung

since his parents went on a business trip, he'll stay at their house even though he can leave it

"you're not going with us?" seungmin asked

"im just going to drive you all at the dorm, im gonna stay here while mom and dad is at work, this house must've been lonely" he said while waiting for hyunjin to hop in

"lets get jeongin and felix" hyunjin said

after fetching the two, they went to hyunjin's house for the first time, well, to get his things before going back to their dorm

"wait for me" earning hum from the three as he hop off of the car

"hey! jisung, why'd you not tell me these two had a sleep over with you?" felix pout joined with jeongin

"jisung asked for my help with his reviewers, so i stayed over his house and if jisung asked both of you to stay there, i don't think we'll finish our reviewers" seungmin said

"and about hyunjin hyung, we went to the convenience store and coincidentally saw each other- that's what happened" jisung added

hyunjin came back with his things and papers, it was a bit unorganized but who cares? at least he reviewed

"jisung, lets meet jungwoo hyung and wooyoung hyung after the exam finish" the older ordered earning a nod from the boy

jisung drive smoothly for the safety of his friends, he played a music while on the road

minho on the other side just got awaken by changbin, flopping on the older's bed with a noise that annoyed the older

"what now changbin~" he groaned

"hyung, we have to go back now! chan hyung is waiting downstairs" the shortest of them whining said

minho then sat up while rubbing his eyes, he then looked for his phone then saw notifications from their group chat


sungie <3
[sent a photo]
[sent a photo]
[sent a photo]

what are they doing there?

obviously, sleeping hyung
have you lost your braincells already?

chan the oldest
how cute! aAAaaaAahHH

let me have a moment of sulking
jisung-ah, how could you? hmph!

the older teased, minho furrowed his eyebrows and started to think of why hyunjin and seungmin slept over jisung's house, he then realized that it was already late that night

'or maybe..... hyunjin went to seungmin's house for a visit?'

he shrugged off of his thought then made his way to the bathroom leaving changbin flopped down on his bed


jisung, hyunjin, felix, seungmin and jeongin finally arrived at their places, they started to put their things off of the car then got back to their unit

"wait, have you told minho hyung you're not going to stay here for awhile?"

"ill tell him that later, but for now, keep what we have discussed last night, okay seungmin?"

the puppy nodded as he pat the boy's back, saying something important to jisung along with hyunjin

"just tell us when you'll come back" hyunjin shouted while looking at jisung getting smaller and smaller as he got farther

"so why are you guys slept together with jisung?"

"and without us?" jeongin asked with a pout

"you two, have forgotten to recharge your braincells" seungmin spat then left the area

"i agree with my baby" hyunjin added as he gave a small wave of his hand to the two

felix and jeongin stared at each other then realized that seungmin just told them the reason why earlier

"we're dummies, aren't we?" jeongin said, giggling at his own

just as then, the other olders arrived with their things- exhausted and feeling blue after reviewing for the upcoming exams

"where's jisung?" minho asked

"he haven't told you yet?"

"jisung hyung must've forgotten to tell you, he'll tell you that hyung" jeongin said

jisung came back to his house, lonely and missing his loved ones. he opened his notifications then saw minho's reply to their group chat

he softly chuckles at the older's childish reply, he then remembered hongjoong's plan for them, his smile and happiness faded

"no jisung, just be prepared. they can't do anything" he then call minho

the older picked up the call immediately the moment he saw the contact name of jisung

"jisung, why aren't you here?"

"sorry hyung, i want to stay here for awhile since mom and dad is at work"

"but you can leave it though?"

"i know, but this house feels lonely hyung"

"then let me stay there, too. we'll get back to our unit once the examination finished"

"really!? i mean, sure of course hyung!"

"ill be there in a minute"

"wait- wHuUuTt?-"

then the phone call ended, leaving jisung staring at the screen of his phone

he squealed then blushed after what the older have said earlier to him, who doesn't want to have their boyfriend by their side, right?

"where are you going hyung? and why are you here chan hyung?"

"innie, let chan hyung sleep here with you, ill stay with jisung at their house" minho then left with his luggage that was still unpacked

he then hop on to his car and started the engine, slowly then smoothly drive off away from their dormitory

minutes passed by, he took a quick stopped at a bakery shop to buy jisung his favorite cheesecake and some snacks to munch

'exams at daylight, date and flirt jisung at night' he thought to himself while smirking

after buying everything they need, he saw hongjoong talking with a guy, the boy was unfamiliar to minho and he quickly thinks that it might be a new student

he calmly get back inside his car then take off, heading to jisung's place

back to jisung, the younger took a shower after cleaning the whole house out of boredom, knowing that cleaning and organizing stuff is not his thing

he spring out of the bathroom with his towel around his waist then walk towards his closet, he then saw minho's present for him the time he got sick

"lets go granny gray hoodie and you~ my lovely sweatpants"

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