chapter 35

26 1 3

calling minnie

seungmin immediately answered the call

"so why do you want to call me minnie?"

"nothing, just want to hear you"

"are you with hyunjin hyung?"

"ah, yeah im with him, i have to sleep with him again"


"yes, remember you and minho hyung sleep together at somewhere we don't know? chan hyung joined innie and i, slept with hyunjin hyung"

"that's good, well is he there now?"

"nope, he went outside to buy us dinner"

"now tell me, do you like him? be honest minnie"

"i.... i have to tell you something ji..."

by this time, jisung can feel what will seungmin say

"what is it?"

"i.... i am hungry!"

seungmin excused after he heard hyunjin's thumping, jisung was left mouth open, chuckling on seungmin's funny excuse

"go eat now minnie, i can hear hyunjin hyung, byeeee"

then the call ended up

just as then, minho entered the room with some snacks on his hand

"who did you have a call?" minho asked all of a sudden

'did he hear me?' jisung thought

"i received a messages from seungmin if he can call me, so i initiated to call him"

"ohh.. okay that's fine"

"nothing more to ask, just that?"

"why would i? im just curious cuz i heard you talking before i entered the room, its creepy if i keep on having my thoughts of you talking to yourself" the older half jokingly said

basically, minho has no interest on knowing one person's topic from a call, he will just ask who is it then end up with okay

he knows that the topic during the call is a privacy and asking who's the caller or recipient is not bad

"if you're hungry, you can just munch these" minho showing the snacks he got

jisung nodded followed by a yawn

the older stares at the boy softly as he look so whipped, he leaned closer to jisung then kisses the boy's forehead

"sleep well honey" he said

jisung knows how confused he is to his feelings between minho and seungmin, but his status with minho is more confusing than his feelings for his past

he laid down then snuggle to the older's chest with their comforter's on

minutes passed by, jisung can't rid off of his thoughts

"hyung, why do you feel so free?" he asked the boy who's still awake

"hmm? what do you mean sungie?" minho was confused of what jisung mean about

"i mean you know that i still have feelings for seungmin, but you're not bothered of kissing me...." jisung said while playing with his fingers

minho acknowledged that, he just can't control his feelings for jisung

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