chapter 51

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back to their dorm, all of them took their bath first then eat their dinner before packing some of their clothes to use on the day of their field trip

jisung grabbed his charcoal grey colored luggage then went to his closet to get his recent favorite outfit which was minho's present for him

he grabbed the two hoodies and sweatpants given by minho, his favorite pastel blue hoodie, three black shirt, couple of shorts, four sweaters, two pairs of skinny jeans and the long coat given by hyunjin

"that's all jisung?" hyunjin asked

"of course hyung, i have lots of clothes at my house, i can't wear lots of it you know?" the younger said while staring at how hyunjin dump his clothes on his luggage

"hYuUuUnNg, that's not how you do it~" jisung whined, not knowing minho's been eavesdropping outside their unit, he knocked on the door

"you go open it hyung!" jisung ordered

the tall blonde guy stood up then open the door to see who knocked, there standing minho with his arms crossed

"as i expected, how can you be so merciless to your things hyunjin~~~" the older peaked inside then saw jisung organizing hyunjin's clothes, he barge in

"minho hyung, what're you doing by this hour? its almost midnight" jisung told the older

"im here because i want to see you, lets go to the rooftop" he held the boy's hand then dragged him out of the room, leaving hyunjin alone

"oh c'mon hyung! aish, guess i could use some company with my boyfriend" hyunjin then call seungmin to come over

on the rooftop where minho bring jisung to spend some time and to know the younger much better, thought of asking the boy more of his background

ever since the past five months of them just being friends and a thing, still unlabeled, minho and jisung haven't had any serious and deep conversation with each other

they always or often hang out with their friends after school instead of having their own time spending with each other

and that is one of minho's thought of why he can't forget his past, can't even try to date the person he wants to be with and even afraid to fall in love again

"what are we doing here hyung?" jisung asked

"well, didn't you notice this past five months, all we did was to hangout with our friends instead of having time for each other?" minho told jisung who realizes what the older meant just now

"i used to have my pace here at the rooftop whenever i feel free and i think bringing you here with me,,," he avert his gaze to the boy next to him

"slowly fills up the missing pieces of my happiness, that was taken away by my fear of falling in love again"

"hyung, i want to know why can't you forget your past with him, mind telling me?" jisung gently asked minho

"he cheated on me, after all my hesitations i ended up confronting him, when he admitted the truth, we broke up and became normal peeps in a good terms" the older said

"but why'd you choose to keep it away from me? instead of telling me? you know i will understand you, right?"

"taking my time and courage, clearing my own thoughts before making sure about my decision" he told jisung

"i don't even understand why you have to experience it, you're a good and lovable person, yes you're somehow weird and scary but...." he paused

"but.... you're easy to love....." jisung finished his sentence

minho feel regrets taking over him, he didn't meant to make the younger wait for him until he forgets his past

"am i?" he asked

"hyung, i... i love you, at first of course it was only likeness but when we're always together even if with our friends, im falling deeper"

"but jisung, im afraid of you loosing interest on me for waiting"

"let me get straight to the point, the first time we kissed, makeout, the hugs and cuddles we do, you taking care of me and many stuff we did and had, im always looking for those not a single minute" jisung told the older in one breath

their conversation gets deeper and deeper, the clock says
2: 14am

"we have to get back to our place now, its already morning and we'll leave later hyung" jisung said

the older didn't move nor stand up from his spot, without any word he grabbed jisung's wrist then pull him for a hug

"now that we know things we don't know to each other before.... can.. i, uh..." the older hesitate

"i mean, can you introduce me to your parents?" he said to the younger

"i already introduce you to my parents hyung, didn't you remember?"

"i remember but this time, formally?"

"wait hyung, weren't even boyfriends yet" jisung told

"that's what i was about to say, introduce me to your parents not as a 'friend' but as your suitor" jisung felt his palm and feet became cold from hearing the word 'suitor' from minho

'what? he's going to pursue me? where'd he get his courage?'

"i know i have to deal with my past, but i want to claim you already, you said you'll help me forget about my past with jungwoo right? ill let you do it" minho said

"so.....?" jisung trailed not knowing what to say next

"i, lee minho, will court han jisung and will let him help me until the day i could finally claim him as mine"

that moment, jisung feels his plan's working, with or without jungwoo by his side, he felt his heart skipped a beat from pounding

'is this even real? please let someone tell me this is really happening'

"yes hyung!! sure!! my parents asked me about you before, that was when i still love seungmin, but now, i really am sure and excited to tell them about you....." he pauses while playing with his sweater paws

"being your suitor and lover, yes! lets go now" minho then pecked the boy's lips then dragged him downstairs, making both of them almost tripped over

"sleep well jisung, ill see you later"

"where's my hug? huh?"

'jisung really is clingy, but i like it' minho thought as he gave the boy a hug

"uhhh!! its too early for that flirting, just do it later, please?" yeji said sleepily after seeing the two hugging

"aish, yeji you ruined the moment, anyways, thank you hyung" then the two of them parted ways leaving yeji alone

one fine morning, they all woke up feeling good of going back to their house just to spend their time and to prepare things

minho with seungmin and sunoo, jisung with felix, jeongin and jungwon, then chan with jake, changbin and hyunjin

the three drivers checked their passengers then beeped their car before parting ways

"ill just message everyone on the group chat after going home" jisung shouted to the two cars next to his

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