chapter 31

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while jisung and minho are together for the whole night, back on their dorms, there's seungmin and the rest who has no idea where the two went

"where the hell were jisung and minho hyung is?" hyunjin asked

"and when will they come back? im worried, we need to meet our classmate tomorrow" changbin added

"minho hyungie told me they'll be back tomorrow" jeongin told the rest

"that's nice to know, they better be especially jisung, we have to go to our new friend's house for a progress" chan spoke

"and we, better sleep now to rest for tomorrow, finally saturday~~~" felix half cheerful half tired said

they bid goodnights to each other then went to their own unit

seungmin who's thinking about jisung for the whole time remembered something


back on their 11th grade, jisung broke up with seungmin after he accidentally asked the boy about the 'flirting' incident way back to their 3rd year as a couple, where seungmin unintentionally laid his hand to jisung's face for the very first time

"jisung, i- im sor-" he was cut off when jisung pushed him enough as he stumbled

the boy run away from seungmin who was left alone sitting on the ground

it was unexpected for the two of them

jisung told felix and jeongin what happened as he'll be not around for about two days only

after two days of absence, jisung came back with a thought of breaking up with seungmin

three days passed by when jisung told the boy that he was breaking up with him

"im breaking up with you minnie, hurting me is enough, i'll do my best to move on from you" he said

but after 3 months of their breakup, they got back together, the night where jisung and the rest of their friends have to stay over jeongin's house

"imma sleep with innie~" felix said

"yeah sure its fine" jisung only said

seungmin and jisung will sleep together for one night in one bed...?

"uhh... you sleep on the bed" seungmin said

"nope, its okay, you can sleep here with me, i need someone to hug or to cuddle with,,, at least" he told seungmin

seungmin was delighted upon hearing jisung, as what the boy said, he laid himself on the bed next to the boy who snuggle closer to him for a hug

he knows jisung loves cuddles and hugs

the squirrel boy drove off to sleep with his arms around seungmin who's also sleeping

two hours later, seungmin woke up from jisung's movement where the boy only snuggle to him when he feels his arms being loosen from the hug

he stares at the boy

as seungmin remembered their first kiss when they were still in a relationship, making him feel his heart beat a little fast. he then mumble

"ji, do you still love me? i don't want to make my hopes up, but thinking of you, of us, staring at you while you're not looking,,, i want to bring our relationship back...." seungmin pause a little as he gently comb the boy's hair

"but i don't know why im still stuck in my thoughts, they're flooding me, the reason why i can't make a move, this shits fucking me up" as seungmin was about to say another shot of his blabbering, he was stopped when jisung put his hand to seungmin's mouth as the boy widened his eyes

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